My life is boring

I don’t much in the way of adventures or insight into life to share. All I’ve been doing it packing my belongings into boxes, getting this house ready for sale, and looking for the next place to live in. Wish me luck on all three.

These are two videos I have been enjoying of late.


“You want to see rock’n roll, come see a rock’n roll band.”


I’ve been putting most of my DC efforts into Tumblr. You can check the science here:

And, mother fucker, buy a god damn poster.

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

13 Replies to “My life is boring”

  1. YEah, ATDI has been a steady on the MP3 for years! I just can’t think if a time when I might NOT want to listen, like when is an ice cold beer bad? Genius, in the most maniacal sense. I have never seen the clip before, thanks very much for that.

  2. …fuck – i hate when you do that hurben…i follow the link you post which leads me to a great u-tube video which i enjoy BUT then i look at the list of vids on the right & go “…oh, shit, ya, ya, that one looks good…haven’t seen them in a good while…” & before you know it, i’ve pissed away hours of time…good on you, mate !!!…

    …good luck, gianni…moving – one of life’s major unpleasantries, even if it’s an “up” move…

  3. Big Jonny, congrats on the move. That first video “This is United” I have probably watched 100 times. Check out Clint Reynolds Credence video. So freaking smooth. ATDI I never got to see them live but I love their stuff it kicks major ass!

  4. Flagstaff? Good thinking that. When will you be in residence? I’ll be blazing through Flag’ while headed to and from Interbike and may need legal advice.

  5. Hey, D2 … indeed I am, albeit in smaller and smaller circles. Lately it’s all I can do to get out of the office chair, much less the office, or the house. Various and sundry evil spirits have had me by the plums with a downhill pull. How’s trix with you?

  6. @10,


    there are various avenues to go down & prostitute yourself just to keep the lights on & the cats in kibble…

    Plus the brakes on the bike & shit on the Surley needs a checkup & the softride with complete Bianchi needs a tune & the Giant road bike needs to be taken out in preparation for Taupo & the fucking commuter Giant CRX3 is getting snippy & refusing to change gears, otherwise things are fucking awesome!