Tuesdays With Dirty: There is No Crying in Cycling

There is no crying in baseball, and there may be a little crying in figure skating. But it appears there is plenty of crying in cycling and  it is spreading like wild fire.

In the case of this douchebag, I say the good old Doctor deserved it.

poor wittle guy

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Scott T. Millington called the case a “wake-up call” to motorists and cyclists and urged local government to provide riders with more bike lanes. He said he believed that Thompson had shown a lack of remorse during the case and that the victims were particularly vulnerable while riding their bicycles. (continue reading story here)

Then there is Kevin Van Hoovels. A disgrace to Belgians everywhere.


What would VDB say?

As for me… there will be no crying as I get on a plane tomorrow for Vermont. It’s Single Speed USA time and a whole bunch of AZ-DC kids are heading out that way. Drunkcyclist is sponsoring the mid-race “aid station” and it should be a pretty good time for all. You remember the last time we had an aid station on course? It will be something like that, only better.

If you are coming to the race be sure to say hello. If you live anywhere near the area, get in the car and drive. It’s going to be one hell of a party. Hopefully I will have a full report to you by next Tuesday. No promises.

until then…keep it dirty!


About Dirty biker

I am a fan of singletrack, singlespeeds, single women and single malt. Bisbee, AZ - Follow on Instagram @dirty_biker

22 Replies to “Tuesdays With Dirty: There is No Crying in Cycling”

  1. That “doctor” never showed any remorse, that crying is for his asshole, and how it’ll never be the same after a bit of jail time. He was a repeat offender, and from what he could have done to the riders, 5 years isn’t enough for multiple counts of attempted murder in my book. We’ll take it, just like he will.

  2. …so a ‘health practitioner’, a professional who took the hippocratic oath, “…swearing to practice medicine ethically and honestly…” figured he was above both good judgement & the law by using his motor vehicle as a weapon “…to teach them a lesson…”

    …& whilst convicted “…of mayhem; assault with a deadly weapon, his car; battery with serious injury; and reckless driving causing injury…”, it’s good to see that the sentencing wasn’t a total whitewash but considering he’ll be out in about a year & a half, i agree that 5 years isn’t really enough…

    …& ya…his cryin’ had nothing to do with remorse…

  3. Dirty, you prob know already but just in case, Stowe is ~30min from Kingdom Trails in East Burke.
    If you get a free day it’s most def worth it.
    I’ll be tearing it up there the same w/e.

  4. 5 years seems right. I’m not asking for overreaction, just some danmed justice. In downstate Illinois, it’s open season on cyclists and our crap states attorney won’t prosecute any violent crimes committed with a car.

  5. @Kark- you should really take the trip over to Stowe. They don’t have the mileage that Kingdom does, but they make up for it in high quality non-IMBA-buffed singletrack…This is the perfect weekend to get dragged around by the locals, plus it’s going to be quite a party

  6. Kevin Van Hoovels = Flemmish for “Shave Pierced PUSSY”. Se also WAILING CUNT.

  7. Dirty, I’m thinking on how to make that happen. Going down with a small group tho so am somewhat at the mercy of the collective will.

    I’ve no doubt about the party. From all account of past SS events even my hit-n-miss humour and rudderless drunkassery wouldn’t warrant the sideways looks and hushed judgments that it usually does.

    ..hmm, interesting thought on that. I’d could be outmatched on the bike *and* the bar on the same day by the same people..
    That would be unique.

  8. soon as he quits bawlin’, his new homies are gonna realize what a purty mouth he got.

  9. @Mikey. Yeah, if that dude’s on a Kazakh team they’ll punch his balloon knot fer sure.

  10. I don’t foresee any crying this weekend, other than from my liver! I heard the aid station is going to have fourties!! Now, Dirty you are a bit urban from your Brooklyn days, so does that mean the 40’s will be OE? As a Midwestern boy at my roots, I would have to request High Life, in a brown bag of course.

  11. since High Life only comes in 32oz bottles, it will have to be OE, Mickey’s, Blue Bull or something of the like. Deal with it, sissy.

  12. To use some down under eloquence,

    “Yeah, what are ya!”


    (not that there’s anything wrong with that, yadda, yadda).

    Just keep on trucking.

  13. Funny, I don’t even think law enforcement in Colorado would write a ticket for that or if they did it would be to the cyclists.

    One thing for sure is that it isn’t a “Justice System”, imo.

  14. Dirty, give me a break, I’ve seen you cry. I’ve seen you cry at that sight of good beer…it doesn’t take much. Add a pretty girl in the mix, and whoa….ballin’, on your knees. Have a good cry in the East!

  15. Topic the First: Get a rope.

    Topic the Second: Couldn’t really suss out what was going on with the Spandex guy, but he’s probably still a harder man on a bike than I’ll ever be. The audio must have been garbled or French, and I speak neither. Someone wanna fill me in?

    Topic the Third: Coupla years ago I was riding the Allegrippis Trail and I saw a shadow on the ground keeping pace with me. I looked up and it was a bald eagle. At that moment it turned on the afterburners and went straight up. Paint me red and call me Sally, but I wept.

  16. …i believe vino………………just won the olympic road race…holy shit !!!…

    …after a controversial career, the little kazakh, having recovered from a two year ban after the 2007 tour de france & a broken leg in last years tour, shelved his retirement plans & perhaps aided by the lack of race radios, pulled off one of those crazy, wild-ass, all or nothing flyers he’s been known for & this time, by god, on arguably the largest one day stage in the world, he succeeded…

    …in a race defined by the tactical summation of ‘brits against the world, world against the brits’ alexandre fucking vinokourov, unaided by teammates, gathered every bit of race savvy he’d compiled over 14 years of pro racing & crowned himself with olympic gold…

    …that audacious little bastard !!!…

    …he served his time, so i’m down with that…props, vino…

  17. I had a bird scratch the top of my head once while riding for a couple of seconds, it was cool, but I didn’t cry.