The first week of the France group ride is over. As expected, there were lots of crashes, broken bones, shredded flesh and tarnished souls. No team took it harder on the chin than Garmin. The crap with Vaughters, the Farrar freak out, Tommy D and Hesjedal out early…eh shit happens right, it’s cycling. I like how DZ took the whole thing…dude has his head in the game, always. Nobody died, so it’s not that disappointing. Hey, speaking of keeping your head in the game, how about keeping your nuts in the game?
Sky, on the other hand, had themselves a bloody cracking day, mate! Christopher Froome and Wiggo double teamed Cadel like a bad porno, taking both the stage win and the Maillot jaune from the short, high pitched kangaroo. Wiggo was excited about the whole thing, obviously.

Anyways, big hills a coming, can’t wait. Cheerio!
It’s going to be a good tour. First week carnage is over and the two realistic favorites are bringing the heat.
Wait – Tyler causes a crash, and storms the bus of a guy he took out? Seriously? Guy needs to stop popping so many pills.
I think Cadel is exactly where he wants to be. Better to sit 2 seconds out of yellow and make Sky do all the work for the next week.
That photo of Tommy Danielson bleeding in the ditch during s6 was capital-G gnarly. [shudder}
Watching TDF now on Eurosport. Samuel Sanchez has just cracked his collarbone. His tour is over. Johnny Hoogerland is doing his off the front look at me thing.
Outside of all the drama of the race itself what keeps coming back to me while watching these excellent live streams from Eurosport is the beauty of the countryside and the crowds lining the roads. Belgium has it’s fanatics but the French turn out is pretty decent. Some day I’ll be able to afford that mountain chalet tucked away in the Alps with pristine air, no traffic and cows in my backyard clanging their bells while they graze.
All that and DZ’s testicles. That’s high on my viewing list. At $96.00 per pound, the chamois cream is more expensive than caviar.
…i’m with chris on this one…cadel is sitting in the catbird seat…after the first week, the pressure is on the team that shoulders that heavy yellow jersey…
…i will say, team sky does look strong around wiggo but when cadel recreated himself a few years ago, he built a good working model & i think he’s fully capable of “takin’ care of business…”…
…but hey, that’s le tour, ya ???…they’ve got a lotta days to play this out…
Gnar-gnar. Dude gets serious baller cred here.
French village that’s “famous” for bottom entrails sausage. Head honcho showers villagers with fresh entrails on their “big” day. EuroSports gets to the real shit as we moto across northern France. Love it.
In unrelated news about some corporate-driven schlocky event upcoming in London:
“…cadel is sitting in the catbird seat…” holy crap you suck.
…ya, ya…whatever…
How is Cadel’s catbird seat looking now after the TT ??
Ever heard of Geert Leinders? Used to be team doc at Rabobank until 2007 and the affair with CHICKEN. Now he is with SKY. He will become a household name after this Tour is won by Wiggins.
Well that was quick, the Tour’s all sorted already. Third place could be a good contest. Go Levi!
…no doubt wiggo & froome killed in the tt (dr geerts orders ???) but methinks there’s still a lotta kilometers, many of ’em up some long, steep shit, left to pedal…
…it may come down to the good doctor, as you suggest but either way, wiggo & sky defends whilst the aussie & his mates combine with the liquigassers & anyone looking for stage wins (ie: everybody) to attack…
…with ryder & garmin decimated, the aged horner at radioslack playing nanny once again, cadel having bagged one already, i don’t really care…maybe a wiggo/brit win would be good or a surprise go from nibali who’s been nibbling around the edges…
…dunno or i’d be betting my fortune (bwahahaha) on the win…
Tenerific is the word of the day Mr. Flabcock. I was even a little proud of Wiggo’s Armstrong-esque tongue lashing of the media. He plays the part well.
…the real deal about ‘le tour’ are all the delightful mini-dramas within the big picture…realistically, there are only X number of riders who can win each year & while that’s what the big picture IS about, the cool stuff like fdj’s thibaut pinot taking the stage win at porrentruy is fucking huge in it’s own right…
…there’s marc madiot, 2-time paris-roubaix winner almost having a coronary whilst driving the young pinot to the line & while that kid may or may not turn out to be “…the hope & future of french cycling…”, he’s now forever in the hearts of la francais…
…his town, his village, has a new pride ‘cuz their bon homme won a stage, just one stage…not le tour, not multiples but one fucking stage & if he never becomes one of those X-riders, he’ll still always be a hero…
…knowing that kinda stuff is true is what i really enjoy about this race…