Shit bag in the next room was laughing over this video- I agree Lance sucks.
People that like Lance, suck more then him.
Editors note- Even if I was on bath salts, I wouldn’t eat Lances face.
I didn’t like George Carlin when I was a wee lad because my dad liked Carlin even though my father was a right wing motherfucker. I wish I had said this to my dad.
As I grew up I began to appreciate Carlin because he was an original who thought for himself. He never kissed corporate ass.
But you know, growing up is overrated.
for whatever weight the record may have, it is my opinion, and has been for some time, that we ditch the comments altogether. they add nothing to this site, and this comment is no exception. what a lame comment.
we could all be better friends by simply shutting up.
Then, it would seem, some people would actually have to get their own blog….instead of poaching on DC.
The logical discourse some people share in the comments is interesting.
The “regulars” need a new barstool, it’s been closing time for a while.
Mr. Buddhist: if we didn’t have comments, who would call me a douchebag on a daily basis and tell me how much I suck? I think I’d be lost without the comments section.
…deetoo…some folks like everything to be non-confrontational which is interesting ‘cuz life encompasses all aspects of behavior (& no, angry buddhist, i’m not going to get my own blog & i’m certainly not ‘poaching’ by being here)…
…what’s rather interesting is that the folks who don’t like or are bothered by the comments & thus suggest that they should be gotten rid of, have the simple option of not reading or responding to them but instead, they do the opposite…
Now you’re just being logical..
Can’t have that.
…never catch me trying to pretend i’m not a bit of a ‘shit disturber’, eh hurben ???…i’m honest about that kinda stuff…
…anyway, whilst we banter & battle back n’ forth here at dc, he’s the type of guys that are our ‘real’ enemies…total douche nozzles & picking on kid cyclists…
… …
…fortunately, their actions got them caught pdq…
Got that right.
Hopefully a bit of ‘resisting & obstruction’ in the cell will see a few batons & pepper spray deployed.
We recently had a few fuckwits down here driving around with a paintball gun.
Also got caught but sadly knowing NZ Police, (who I have the greatest respect for), they will not suffer the same fate.
I’ll see your Dickies & raise you this…
Translation of the title, ‘Burn South Africa”, translation of the band’s name, ‘Fuck off Police car’.
I did a long solo ride on Sunday. It was kinda dumb because work the next day required riding with heavy shit on my back. I slowly rolled around NYC trying to baby my legs in the small ring, gawking at pretty women all over the place. I heard a toot from some sedan with a remote license plate as I passed their car. I looked back only to observe the driver making arm gestures in my direction. I stopped my bike in front of the car. In a clear and booming voice I bellowed: WOULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! The rest of my day was filled with gawking in silence.
I am not saying get rid of the comments.
But some of you are really tired, and truly, shit to read.
Others, like D2’s rant are hilarious and hit the nail on the head.
Frank Schlock is a pussy
…jeez, deetoo…all the crap you take & here’s a guy practically kissing your ass…
…oh, sorry…i meant to say “…appreciating your work…”…
…nice, huh ???…
BGW if I was kissing D2’s ass…there would probably be pictures…
I think it’s important to keep in mind here that Dirty’s butt stinks.
…angry buddhist…point taken, amigo, point taken…& after the trauma & horribly indelible memories caused by the viewing of gianni’s nutsack in the past, we’d be wise not to induce any similar behavior…
…& i’m led to believe deetoo has fotos of green vapor fumes rising from dirty’s butt…
It’s 93 degrees and sunny as fuck. I’m going to ride my bike and come home to a nice dinner and watch this:
And I can smell dirty bikers butt all the way from New Jersey. Someone hose that fucker down. Either that or swab his arm with alcohol.,28549/
*Than. THAN! Holy shite…if you are going to insult someone at least use proper grammar, spelling and syntax.
than then, son!
The difference between knowing your shit and knowing you’re shit.
You had a typo/brainfart/whatev. TripleT did not. So by the laws of Intardwebnet trollery, of COURSE he’s right and you’re wrong.