About Gnome
David "The Gnome" Herbold is a lifelong cyclist who manages bipolar depression through an multimodal atonement process recognizing past harm,, various therapeutic approaches (physical and mental) and a vigilance of practiced love in the face of fear.
Because death is happier when it happens from above.
That came out all wrong. Delete, delete! (Think roadkill)
High Center of Gravity. You’re doing it right.
Will you show me how to mount that?
Yeah, that’s my thong string hanging out, What about it?
By golly I think I got it. The higher the center of gravity the more stable the ride!
Hipster stupity.
better cell phone reception.
no need for fenders.
more time to plan the bailout.
When did Tim Burton get into the bicycle business?
madmike & BRB are pulling to the front.
She’s planning to race in NORBA’s Gargoyle Class.
Damn Still dont have proper leg extension
Must be from Portland.
put a bird on it!
“look at me everyone, I want to be noticed”
Serotta announces MyStyleTM Geometry; prices start at $11.5k for the frame and fork.
We haven’t gotten to chain and seat stays in welding class, but I think I have the main triangle nailed.
Overcompensating for the smaller front wheel
she considered herself to be above all that hipster shit but they knew better..
If your going to call something stupid you might want to spell it correctly ;)
ImaFred: If YOU’RE going to call someone out for spelling, you might as well check YOUR grammar.
Arms warmers and a sleeveless jersey… er, blouse, still a no-no.
The Hunchback Of Notre Frame.
get back to me when you’ve got 3 frames in your tallbike
This high up, I get my altitude training in every ride! AND! Nobody has to suffer and see my butt-crack
I didn’t know Quasimodo was a hipster.
nice pie-plate.
Some women will go to great lengths just to accuse men of looking at their ass.
…another ‘high & mighty’ road rider…
Look at me, look at me! Hey what’r you looking at you zombie creepazoid!?!
Mrs. Palin claims that she can see Russia from her bike.
Another hipster heads off to Clown college.
the smaller front wheel is to shift my weight a bit forward so that all of my weight isn’t sitting on my rear triangle. Riding them is fun, but we make them to joust each other on them. Maybe it’s hipster stupidity, or maybe it’s that I have a better time than you guys. Either way, I’d like to see you guys try it!
And I’m from Cincinnati not Portland!! But that is my favorite comment so far haha.
Anybody have a 4000mm seatpost I can use?
…@ lea…we’re pretty much all on your side here but this being drunkcyclist, you’re dealing with a small circle of dischordant ne’re do wells, objectionable malcontents & attitudinal pedal meisters, so i’m gonna suggest that with “…THAT’S ME I’M FAMOUS…” you’re half right but maybe ‘notorious’ would be a more appropriate term…
“i can see the ocean from this height!”
my brother made a tall bike in the seventies and it had a car steering wheel and he rode to guitar lessons with it by putting the case upside down through the steering wheel.
“joetheelectrician would only ride this if it was fixed gear”
Here’s a T-Shirt for Sparky,
“If it ain’t Fixed, it’s Fucked”
Yes, I’m sure that it’s been said before, if not I donate it to DC…
Exit to tune of Dueling Banjos…
Isn’t Portland’s 15 minutes up yet?
hanging out in northside in cincinnati is just like being in a portlandia episode.
Stupid is as stupid does
How does it go? what do fat girls, mopeds, and tall bikes all have in common?
“I can sh!t on your negativity from up here”
now if this chick was riding the divide that parade would be interesting