Last day to get your own Smokey

I’m a fan of Star Wars. I’m a fan of The Bandit. I’m a fan of Stevil and his procession of all things AHTBM. If you are of the same ilk, there are only a few hours remaining in this day to pick up on one of his latest fine wears:

When I was a child, the only movie more important to me than ‘Star Wars’ was ‘Smokey And The Bandit’. It teaches a lot of important life lessons, the most important of which was how to evade police.

During my employ at Swobo, all I wanted to make was a wool replica of the jacket Burt Reynolds wore in the second installment of the series, but like most of my ideas, (like a half pipe in the warehouse and weekly lobster lunches), it was dismissed. In the time I have been operating All Hail The Black Market, I have finally been able to realize this dream (not the half pipe or the lobster lunches, but the replica jersey.)

I have opened the order window for a second run of these merino beauts which are made by Earth, Wind and Rider, and are completely custom made from the cut and the embroidery, right down to the tag in the collar.

Today is the final day in which the order window is open, so if you want an opportunity to get in on the action, there’s no time like the present, because I doubt I will make these again.

Thanks tons,

As we discussed this, he indicated that today the window closes on the order. Don’t miss your chance to get in on the action while just the same, supporting one of the best cycling authors on the nets.

About Gnome

David "The Gnome" Herbold is a lifelong cyclist who manages bipolar depression through an multimodal atonement process recognizing past harm,, various therapeutic approaches (physical and mental) and a vigilance of practiced love in the face of fear.

6 Replies to “Last day to get your own Smokey”

  1. …while i don’t want one a’ those personally, i like stevil’s style in getting them made up ‘cuz he digs the concept…

    …go ‘different’ or go home…

  2. I was KICKING myself for not getting one last time, so I was first in line this time.

    Smokey and the Bandit will always be near and dear to my heart as when Part II came out, my dad had a Turbo Trans Am. It was the coolest thing in the world to a 9 year old…

  3. Thanks DC, and thanks BGW, and thanks sfb. I’m currently sorting out a couple final details with the manufacturer, so I might can keep the order window open another day or two.

  4. …at some point, i gotta get my shit together & order a handful of the best bumper sticker i can imagine…

    …stevil’s “i don’t fuck around, but when i do, i don’t fuck around”

    …classic…exactly my sentiment…

  5. “There’s no way…no way that you could come from my loins. Soon as i get home, I’m gonna punch your momma in the mouth.” -Sheriff Buford T. Justice

    That’s a sweet jersey. Hat’s off to Stevil for coming up with a great concept and putting it into merino – wish I possessed the scratch to order one.