Tuesdays with Dirty: Smiling

I haven’t had very much to say lately on Tuesdays. No big travel, no adventures, and no controversy. It has actually been pretty nice. Just riding as much as I can and smiling ear to ear. Speaking of smiling…

This picture was sent over from one of our loyal readers up in ColoRADo. Please, feel free to email me more like this.

Speaking of smiling. Music makes me smile too. I recently re-discovered a band I used to listen to a lot called Small Brown Bike. Which is pretty funny to me because all I have been riding lately is my new big brown bike. Smiles for miles.


Our very own spring classic is happening this Saturday and I hope to have a full report on the action for you next week. Until then, keep it dirty…

About Dirty biker

I am a fan of singletrack, singlespeeds, single women and single malt. Bisbee, AZ - Follow on Instagram @dirty_biker

12 Replies to “Tuesdays with Dirty: Smiling”

  1. Great photo. Would be great if there were
    dozens or hundreds more sent in just like it.

  2. …i’m on board…

    …nice cleavage, good tunes, nice day & so even though i’m feelin’ lazy, i’m gonna meet with a buddy & put in a few miles…

  3. Small Brown Bike is such an excellent band. Further recommended listening: “Our Own Wars”