#occupybikeseat – #occupytshirt

We have teamed up with Pioneer Sales Marketing to bring you guys the first DC t-shirt in 2 years. We are really excited about this and I can’t wait to get these out there to you. 20 bucks gets you a kick ass, high quality cotton t-shirt and maybe even a love letter from Dave over at Pioneer.

Time to start the DC movement. Time to #OCCUPYBIKESEAT !


About Dirty biker

I am a fan of singletrack, singlespeeds, single women and single malt. Bisbee, AZ - Follow on Instagram @dirty_biker

71 Replies to “#occupybikeseat – #occupytshirt”

  1. Nevermind that. Still ain’t figured out who Dirty Harry’s shilling for. But I damned sure don’t like where things are pointing. “Halftime in America” my ass. Two minute warning.

  2. The Pogues are hawking Subaru…
    Ween is hawking Honda…
    Modest Mouse is hawking Nissan…

    Probably the worst is ‘Gimmie Shelter’ being used in Call of Duty video game ads.

    Rape, Murder
    It’s just a shot away!
    It’s just a shot away!

  3. Even tripple F is sensitive.. despite having two fingers up..I get too many mixed messages here… Ive grown up..seems like maybe you sold out….

  4. Why don’t you trade us in for a younger, prettier, more punk rock drunkcyclist?

    I remember when commenters bitched a lot less and said cool shit instead of, well, you know…

  5. Sold out ??

    So having a mortgage and car payments and a girlfriend 1/2 my age that annoys the crap outta me is selling out ??

    Sign me up.

  6. not to bitch, but I don’t ever remember when commentary flames didn’t exist, except prior to comments being possible all together. And prior to comments, it was flame by email, which I think might be better for the ship, but whatever. That’s not my bag.

    Either way, reformation is a bitch.

    gotta sell out to eat out.

  7. Mr. Henry Rollins is a hero of mine. And punk ain’t dead at my house— go listen to that Wild Flag record from last year. Rawk on, ladies.

  8. HA! I miss the porn and hate the whiney lamentations as well. Wait, what the fuck am I doing here then?

  9. You’re right, it’s pretty hard to find porn on the internet.

    My impression is that the comments section has always been for whining. Correct me if I’m wrong…

  10. i hope i don’t sound “whiney” …for t hemost part, i’m pretty stoked on life and bikes. But i’m sure you guys will let me know if i sound like a bitch…

  11. Wait. What? There’s porn on teh intardwebnet toobs now? How in the fuck can it be that I’m always the last to know?


    Just. Fucking. Jeeze.

  12. Oh, and db? It’s entirely possible to be totally stoked on bikes and life and still sound like a whiney-assed bitch. Nevermind how I know; just trust me on this.