Electric Grip Shift
Nothing quite like taking a part that is super simple and making it more complex. Innovation?
I feel like this is something I would see over at yourbikehatesyou but instead I found it here.
pity you can’t see the car battery it’s attached to.
Looks like someone finally discovered a way to make gripshift suck even more. Well played.
…right now, at this minute, someone, somewhere is modifying one a’ those into some kinda strange & kinky sexual device…
…i just know it…if any modern electrical device can be transmogrified into a pleasure inducing machine, it will happen…
…“…build it & they will come…”…over & over again…
but it started out as part of a pleasure (and pain) inducing device
…so right…from like to like, ya ???…
This is about as necessary as Near-Beer, and in equally poor taste.
beth h +1.