I wasn’t able to make it track nationals, but someone did share this gem with me. Looks like there some serious action in LA last week.
Photo courtesy of Emily Maye.
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
I wasn’t able to make it track nationals, but someone did share this gem with me. Looks like there some serious action in LA last week.
Photo courtesy of Emily Maye.
‘Yinz go’n to dah ‘burgh!
That’s awesome.
“It’s Up-erh where the problems at,… not down-erh. Yinz guys wanna grab a cold eye-rohn or a honey Braauuun later?
i bet her boyfriend asked her to do that.
You know how I know I’m gay ??
That’s a woman isn’t it ??
I see the hint of a bra strap on the right side.
Either that or I am the gayest gay man on the planet.
Not that there’s anything…..yadda yadda yadda. You know the routine.
I’m just relieved that shit doesn’t ever change in da burgh, or hasn’t since ’83.
@Triple F – Welcome to Gayville. Population… you.
that’s a dude.
…“…dude looks like a lady…”…
“@Triple F – Welcome to Gayville. Population… you.”
I just went downstairs and checked out my oh so female neighbor.
I am so not gay.
Blah, blah, blah.
Thanks bgw. That dude does look like a lady.
As far as PA is concerned. Carville was right. It’s Alabama without the blacks. We need to box up that toothless backwoods gun-toting bible thumping state and ship it down south where it fucking belongs.
Who’s with me ?? I’ll bring the duct tape.
Gun-toting Bible thumpers AND a blue state. Interesting…
…hey, don’t thank me, thank aerospace, er, arrowsmiths or whoever those fucking guys are…
… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf0oXY4nDxE …
Oh, and fff? Alot of things come to mind when I hear “Carville”, but “right” ain’t one of ’em.
I’ll agree for the most part joe. But even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Even cuckoo clocks?
Cuckoo clocks ?
Sorry joe. I ain’t that fucking old.
That fucking dim though, I’d venture.
Cuckoo clocks were long gone by the time I came a long. Can’t remember even seeing one in person.
By yea. Does it have a clock face ? Then it’s right twice a fucking day.
Only a digital clock wouldn’t be.