Athlete Octane and Peaks Coaching Group

Athlete Octane logoAthlete Octane and Peaks Coaching Group gear up for 2012!

Bedford, Va, USA –September 15th, 2011 –Athlete Octane is on board as a 2011-2012 Peaks Coaching Group Sponsor. For both companies performance is the common word. Athlete Octane is aperformance product that can help you achieve your goals and Peaks Coaching Group is the leader in power-based coaching and training services and software where an athlete’s peakperformance is the ultimate goal.

Hunter Allen, founder of Peaks Coaching Group and co-author of “Training and Racing with a Power Meter” commented, “We are delighted to be working with Athlete Octane at this exciting time of growth in their company.” The liquid endurance supplement is being used and endorsed by numerous pro athletes and is endorsed by Peaks nutritionist Anne Guzman for PCG athletes and coaches. Hunter states, “We are pleased to be working with a supplement solution like Athlete Octane because we know with rigorous training you need extra vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants to really be at your peak of performance.”

Andy Gracyalny, one of Athlete Octane’s three owners exclaims, “We are very excited to join forces with Hunter Allen and all of the premier coaches and staff of Peaks Coaching Group, my partners, Bill Maxwell, Jake Rubelt and I worked with world class and professional athlete’s to design and produce what we feel is The Liquid Endurance Solution”. Gracyalny continues, “Athlete Octane was scientifically formulated with the highest quality pharmaceutical grade ingredients available, our manufacturing is done in a full GMP certified state-of-the-art 68,000-square-foot facility and is fully automated, with staff that includes an MD, PhD, MBA, and subject-matter experts.”

Peaks Coaching Group has coaches all over the USA and South America that develop personal training plans for their clients as well as offering training camps, online training plans and webinars. All Peaks Coaches train and coach with power, which allows their time challenged athletes the most efficient and focused way to train for their big event.

Athlete Octane is also on a rapid growth path with their superior supplement product. Andy Gracyalny explains, “Athlete Octane is the solution for the busy athlete, one liquid sip a day is all you need.” “Athlete Octane is designed to increase your athletic performance, reduce recovery time, lessen muscular soreness, and dramatically increase overall endurance and support a healthy immune system.” “Athlete Octane will help empower you to train, race and recover more effectively than ever before, guaranteed and it’s100% legal for competition.” Andy concludes.

For more information, contact:
Kathy Watts

Athlete Octane has offered a discount for drunkcyclist readers. Enter the code “dc20” to get 20% off of the retail price through

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

7 Replies to “Athlete Octane and Peaks Coaching Group”

  1. Awesome press release Kath! This sounds revolutionary, how much will my average speed increase compared to my cheap-ass Tang or Country Time lemonade w/ salt drink? You gotta post what you gotta post huh? Sorry, but it just beckons a smartass comment. I miss the good old days of BJ link dumps of various persuasions.

  2. Dude. It’s a press release from a company which supports Drunkcyclist. If three people out of the 8,000 who read that post today like the product and can benefit from the discount, everyone wins.

    We also run press releases from Epic Rides from time to time. Another supporter of Drunkcyclist.

    That said, I don’t mind the snark at all. In fact, I enjoy the hell out of it. See

  3. Keep your chin up big jonny, even the best prostitutes get smacked down every now and then. Don’t let those johns get you down.