I got this in February. Really. It was buried in a draft folder for months. Hey, I’ve had a busy summer! I’ll get it cleaned up, I promise. Right after I sort out the garage. Which is an absolute train wreck. I digress…
Thought you’d enjoy the billboard that went up across NZ yesterday. It’s by the local beer company Tui, which is absolute swill, but the ad campaign is one that I’ll never forget. Timely, I’d say, in light of today’s news.
Mike Anderson aka AnderSatan aka 666
Yep. Pretty much nails it.
swill , had no problem puttin tui down in NZ what kinda drunks are ya?
i fuckin’ love it….kiwi’s just don’t mince words…
Jeez, even before I opened the post I was sayin’ “yeah right to myself”. Juan Belota indeed!
leave it to the kiwis…perfect
I also have no problem with the so-called swill
Oh man. That’s perfect no matter what the beer taste like.
If you put this up in the USA you’d be sued in to the dark ages.
Good to see some country still appreciates free speech.
Go New Zealand !!!
Generate your own Tui ad.
Enter your text & click Tui Says.
This. Is. AWESOME!
But where’s the proof? Or do kiwis not understand the concept?
…+ 1…
Hi Sparky,
Tui ads are tongue-in-cheek, I think that what’s up on that billboard could be classified as an ‘opinion’.
Given that you’re talking from the nation that worships ‘freedom of speech’ I’m surprised that you do not understand the concept.
New Zealand & Australia are the two most straight up nations in the world, we don’t roll over for big names, big business or big bucks, (unlike a recently credit downgraded nation that I could name, which I won’t because I like a lot of the people there).
Take care out there.
Freedom of speech ain’t worth shit unless it’s backed by the rule of law.
My favorite beer is cold beer.
Electricians are funny people, not haha funny
Shit beer, sometimes funny ads. We in NZ have cool places to ride, rule of law, freedom of speech and a sense of humour Joe, come visit!
don’t mess with kiwis. they play football without pads or helmets. and their water flushes backward.
nice beer that Tui…handsome bird too…
@15-Hey it ain’t my fault. Nailed by 277 volt acouple times too many. Afew more unscheduled trips down the ladder than any man deserves. All that shit is cumulative.
Wait. What? Somebody say somethin’ about beer?