From the looks of this photo things are back to normal, Big Jonny is riding his bike again. After three years of law school and months of preparation for the bar exam, Big Jonny is back to riding his bike and drinking beer. Happy Friday, Get Rad!
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
From the looks of this photo things are back to normal, Big Jonny is riding his bike again. After three years of law school and months of preparation for the bar exam, Big Jonny is back to riding his bike and drinking beer. Happy Friday, Get Rad!
Congrats bj.
Have a beer or 12 for me.
That has to feel good, no?
Thanks guys. I flew in to Philly last night, drank Yuengling and whiskey with my father, woke up at 6 am (3 am Az time) with a hangover, got the bike out and rode for a few hours. Then I hung out with kids. Like is very good at the moment.
Are the training wheels off yet? :o)
Will be dropping in on Phoenix 5-8 of August. Might need a bike ride as a respite for too much relative contact. How hot could it be?
Yuengling! Thanks, Counselor! I was just sitting here wondering what to swill this afternoon. Black & Tans, here I come!
I’ll give it a month…
congrats BJ. you enjoy yourself to the fullest.
Now he’s eating!
After 3 years of law skool and 3 months cramming for the bar ??
Fuck yea !! That man is living it up. Bikes, vittles and booze. All in excess.
Like MM said tho, I give it a month.
Nice stem.
Enjoy the Yuengling.
Nice going BJ.
Put it to good use!
Congrats BJ! Now for all that hard work you get…to look for a job!
That looks like the back roads I ride here in Chester County!
Welcome back to PA Jonny!
order is restored.
RideON Big Man…RideON!
Roots. Every now and then we need an anchor.
Atta Boy! Congrats on the edumacation. Get at er’ and pay it off now.
oh yeah! yuengling, lush green country roads in 80% humidity…pa summer love. now just need the post ride cheesesteak.