This guy takes a hit like Lance Armstrong’s career.


About Judi

Bicycles are my salvation. They are my way of life. If you don't like it, then you can go straight to hell. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

81 Replies to “This guy takes a hit like Lance Armstrong’s career.”

  1. …@‘e’…the more you try & intellectualize your argument, the more you come off looking like a fucking moron…

    …i’m sure you’ll now get demonstrably upset with my assessment but amigo, your argument is getting sadder by the minute…you, not i, just trivialized the death of a cyclist…

    …( please note – i didn’t call you a moron, i’m simply suggesting your great potential )…

  2. I suppose after a night of working in a 110 degree kitchen, then drinking 4 Happy Campers, my numbers shifted four the the right. It happens. However, the point made it across, so, semantics win again!

    Sheesh, why is it when people get called out on their BS they just keep reiterating the same points and pounding the keys harder (the internet equivalent of fingers in ears and yelling “la la la”)?

    No one was pointing and laughing at this guy breaking his leg. At least, not until the person who decries such actions brought it up. Doesn’t that seem to imply some interesting things?

  3. @52 rogbie says “No one was pointing and laughing at this guy for breaking his leg”

    @2 says “dumbass”
    @4 says “HAHA”
    @7 says “What a fuckstick…too bad he didn’t hit his nuts and save the World from his progeny!”
    @9 says “…live & learn, dumbfuck…it’s called physics…”
    @10 says ““Stupidity should be painful”
    @11 says “the stupid is strong with that one.”
    @14 says “That’s what I call “job security.””
    @16 says “he is [an] IDIOT.”

    This has been a public service from the DC Community Liason in Quality Control in Comments Department. Keep it classy folks.

  4. While you guys were continuing your pissing match here, I was out riding. I hope you had fun, my ride was outstanding. That said, I was slightly bummed not to see any unicorns or rainbows, let alone both at the same time. (That would have been cool.)

    Now that I’m starting to get my drink on, I want to learn how to harden the f*ck up. Can anyone help?

  5. I just got done rolling 2.5 hours of FLG Singletrack. Heck yea, here’s to summer. As I was out, I remembered Tyrrell. I remembered to keep my shit in check so as not to take a hit like Lance Armstrong’s career. I’d like to thank judi for posting this vid in order to remind me of my mortality.

  6. Don’t be more upset about the guy with the broken leg than the guy with the broken leg seems like appropriate guidance here.

  7. I think the fact that “E” brought the death of a cyclist into the argument is because he is a necrofeliac and dead people turn him on. He also must be mad that the incredibly intelligent fellow whose leg was broke above didnt knock off also bc yuh know what they say.. smart ones are better lovers.

    You’re a creep and you disgust me. How could you bring such disgusting connotations to the beauty of this web site.

  8. Summer? Really? You mean days when it gets above 60 degrees F? No. You’re joshing. Don’t be cruel.

  9. …mikey…rained earlier today down here so you know that means more snow in tahoe…

    …when you head to sacto for the ‘rex ride’, ya might wanna bring your skis…

    …summer ???…we’ve been teased with it here, but it definitely hasn’t hit yet…too much back n’ forth…

  10. …speaking of ‘rainbows & unicorns’, i’m getting a pair of those ‘sock guy’ sox for my acupuncturist…seems appropriate & she deserves ’em…

  11. …bikesgonewild’s anguished ’60 seconds’ confession: like tyler, i have to get this off my chest…

    …years ago, i used to help with groundskeeping once a week at a particular waterfront property…cut the lawns, clip the hedges, shrubs n’ vines, trim the trees & yes, clean up after the three large tortoises the owner kept…

    …simple enough part of the job, just get out the hoses, move the patio furniture around & wash down the concrete slabs & dirt areas, ya ???…

    …well, i’ll tell ya…turtle shit…those stinky fucking turtles constantly shit, everywhere, anywhere, on every square inch of patio, in their shelters & they did it all the time…

    …plus, i could never understand the fascination of having a beautiful waterfront view that always stunk when you stepped out to appreciate it…

    …so, bottom line…I AM NOT ENAMORED OF TURTLES…there, i said it…i don’t hate ’em but I DON’T LOVE TURTLES & i certainly don’t have that cutsey turtle viewpoint that dominates these august pages…

    …& “turtle fan forum” ???…ya, well, maybe not so fucking much…

    …true story, just sayin’…

  12. @bgw


    You, Sir, are a piece of work.

    Never change.

  13. @BGW Since I’ve been behaving myself lately on these forums and NOT posting any digusting comments ’cause I don’t wanna piss off Gnome, I’m long overdue.

    When you’re stuck with lemons make lemonade. Likewise, if you’re cleaning up turtle turds, make appetizers. Always look on the bright side of life. Whether they are Fresh, frozen, dried in the hot sun, turtle turds are delicious. My favorite is turd covered in dark chocolate. Yummmm

    Or if you’re not feeling a bit peckish, make a poo stick. Beats a shotgun any day.

  14. …sorry, guys…turtle shit = loose, wet, slimy spougge…

    …sticks not applicable…

  15. Ever run a lawnmower in really tall grass and hit a turtle? Ain’t purty, I’ll tell you what.

  16. “suck a mile of rainbow and puppy dog cock”

    holy. fuck. ing. laugh-out-loud Magic.

    Gnome, someday I’ll buy you beers.

  17. @Kark,

    Please be on time for these discussions, we’ve moved on & good on Gnome.

  18. sorry Hurben, pesky little thing called ‘life’ was getting in the way of timely internetting but I’m good now.

    tho, I’d suggest, and I’m sure you’ll agree, it’s never too late to offer compliment.

  19. that clip made my bones sweat. my aorta vomicked. whiny clip hating bitches should just keep browser jamming on lessons ern’t taught around here.