Gravel Grinder

Got this from my buddy George over at Bike29:

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So T-Hom and I ended up manning the aid station that was at mile 7 and 20. Due to an error on my part, there was no water at the aid station. Just gummy bears, pretzels, bananas, fig newtons, and 3 kinds of whiskey.

Well done Sir, that is my kind of aid station, for a full report from one of Vermont’s finest events head over to the Bike29 blog.

About 40 Hands

A fan of riding bikes with one gear, malt liquor, riding without knowing how many miles I’ve covered, and strip clubs that let you bring your own keg. I typically have a stupid grin on my face, it is because deep down I know that no matter what, my mom thinks I’m cool. Denver, Colorado, USA

One Reply to “Gravel Grinder”

  1. Now THAT’S my kind of rest stop. Reminds of the Mad Dog 20/20 rides in CT. back in the day…