Hey everybody – tomorrow I’m going to write a great story of going to Mexico and coming back to Tucson with pictures. So let’s take a 12 hour break, at least, on the bike racing coverage and all that. I’m too tired and drunk right now to write well, but I will sleep well because that fucking bad tooth is GONE. Thank you, Mexican dentist.
I thought this looked familiar.
My nightly ride home to sunnyside from the payntake. It’s just like this.
…hmmm…this vca video is pretty trippy & i certainly enjoyed it but, ya, after X 3 it’s getting kinda “…same as it ever was…”…
this is really cool and all…the first 2 times
It is still fucking cool.
Is a really good post can you just write more about in the future
WTF! Ya, that website sucks, locked computer up for 30 mins, good job!
Third times the charm for this vid.
The VCA 2010 Race Run was originally posted here on March 3.
It seems the DC memo system is failing…again.
Hey everybody – tomorrow I’m going to write a great story of going to Mexico and coming back to Tucson with pictures. So let’s take a 12 hour break, at least, on the bike racing coverage and all that. I’m too tired and drunk right now to write well, but I will sleep well because that fucking bad tooth is GONE. Thank you, Mexican dentist.
I thought this looked familiar.
My nightly ride home to sunnyside from the payntake. It’s just like this.
…hmmm…this vca video is pretty trippy & i certainly enjoyed it but, ya, after X 3 it’s getting kinda “…same as it ever was…”…
this is really cool and all…the first 2 times
It is still fucking cool.
Is a really good post can you just write more about in the future