I had to mail out some DC goodies yesterday, the bill came to $6.66… My day was officially “great” by 9:00 am.
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
I had to mail out some DC goodies yesterday, the bill came to $6.66… My day was officially “great” by 9:00 am.
That’s only appropriate. What’s the Zip code for Hades?
My zip is 78666, does that count?
My knee still hurts
The laundromat I often went to back in college was at 666 G St…
I used to live downstairs from someone named Lou Cipher. One time I called directory assistance to get his number to call him from work and the operator thought it was a joke and got offended and hung up on me.
You can’t make this stuff up.
Try 411 for Mike Hunt sometime. Ain’t pretty.
i love when shit like that happens.
Is that the same US Postal Service that funded Pharmastrong Jihad?
Que Iron Maiden in the background…
AfricanSingle +5
666 Dominion road, just around the corner from me, is a business copier centre, wonderfull, has 666 in huge neon letters.
Local bike shop phone number: 035481666