Snow. N2O. Portlandia.

It snowed again. The shit just fucking melted and we got hit with 6 more inches and freezing temps. I shouldn’t complain. It’s not like I commute, or even have to leave to house to go to work. I have it pretty good, actually.

snow day dc 001

This week was hell. I got a tooth pulled. I payed extra for nitrous-oxide. The doctor wasn’t stingy with his N2O tank either. They don’t call that shit hippy crack for nothin’. N2O made the entire experience FUN. The hole in my head is healing up and the rollers/trainer are back in full use again.

Speaking of the trainer….

I walked in the door the other day and was presented with this perfect opportunity for a picture. He made it about 40 minutes, and even had a little sweat puddle action going on.

doms butt

Got this from Mike G. on Facecrack. It’s a series called Portlandia on IFC starting tonight at 10:30pm. I am DVR’ing this shit. I watched all the clips and was rolling on the floor. Especially the dumpster diving couple. I hear competition is HUGE in PDX for dumpster diving. Check out this clip of the bike messenger. I love the whistle.

This time next week I’ll be getting ready for my trip out west and checking the weather reports every hour. I booked direct flights from IND-PHX but the flights are on US Air which is the worst airline around. I hope to hell I don’t have any problems getting there. Or home.

I am looking forward to finally meeting Lar, another female DC reader and commenter. She’s riding her bike up from Tucson and staying a couple nights. I don’t know what all Dirrrty Biker has planned. Miles and miles of riding. A day in Sedona to see D2. A night in Flag to hang with The Gnome. Holla if you want to hang out.

I love this Sublime song. RIP Bradly.

About Judi

Bicycles are my salvation. They are my way of life. If you don't like it, then you can go straight to hell. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

18 Replies to “Snow. N2O. Portlandia.”

  1. Glad you liked the Portlandia clip. I hate when dumpsters don’t give me my ten feet. I’ll see you in Flagstaff. Dirty gave me a little info on the weekend festivities.

  2. When i lived in Portland OR 8 years ago there were tons of tweekers but few hipsters. Maybe the tweekers have morphed into hipsters.

  3. I don’t even watch tv. i replaced all my addictions with a 25 hour a day internet habit. But that show is gonna be most excellent. Haven’t laughed that hard for a long time

    Portland the city where young people go to retire

  4. Dominic was dangerously close to plumber status. I’ll bet he loved you for this post. See ya Tuesday…

  5. The Portlandia clips were funny. Okay. Fine. We all laughed in our beers and had fun pointing out the people we knew in the videos, and I recognized the lavendar tallbike I’d fixed last summer). Actual Portland Mayor Sam Adams was a hoot pretending to be his own chief of staff or something. The messengers all winked and nodded at the whistle in-joke (whistles have never been legal for Portland bike messengers in the modern era). It was all great fun. Really.

    Now millions of underemployed hipsters with a shit-ton of money and nearly zero fashion sense are moving here. Five of them just came to the door asking if they could camp out in my yard. Until September. I said maybe but that their pet ferret would have to find lodging elsewhere.

    Next week my niece is hosting her Texas-based Facebook buddy for a week. In addition to catching the Decemberists show, they’ll be heading over to Black Hole for an official souvenir Portlandia Piercing (there’s a tiny rose engraved on the free-range, craft-framebuilder-made, LUGGED stainless steel stud).

    I am waiting for the next cool town to step up and take its turn. C’mon, it’s only fair.

  6. I’ve seen these Portlandia trailer videos floating around and kept thinking, “that looks like the guitarist from Sleater Kinney.” Turns out it is! Rad.

  7. Answers:

    1. I was born in NYC and lived everywhere until I was 12. Moved to Portland in 1975. Lived here over 35 years, long enough to have grown the requisite rain-proof webbing between my toes, and long enough to form an informed opinion about the rampant growth in the number of “young people who come here to retire”.

    2. Nice graphic, but all the bike parts in the world will not save us from ourselves. It’s especially too late for all the kids who ride [expletive deleted] brakeless fixies in traffic.

    3. Yes, that is really his name, Hizzoner Sam Adams. And he seems to have survived quite a lot of scandal reasonably well, but I’m pretty sure he will be a one-term mayor.

    4. Yes, that IS the woman who used to play with Sleater-Kinney. Every time we go to Seattle we’re tempted to stop and take a picture of the Sleater-Kinney Road sign outside of Olympia; but because we always seem to encounter the sign at 60 mph we end up thinking better of it and keep going. (Plus, Team Dresch was a better band.)

    I am feeling So Damned Old since this video series came out. Ugh.

  8. big jonny, cand you send those bombers fulla parts to Frederick MD least two passes over down town should do it..k thanks.