“It has no effect on my life – zero.”

Lance Armstrong said Saturday he was losing no sleep despite the threat of a federal investigation into alleged doping practices casting a cloud over his stunning career. “It has no effect on my life – zero,” said the American.


You are alone in that, Mr. Armstrong. If you are convicted, it will hurt many.

How many of those stricken with cancer have looked up to you, sir? How many children put your poster on their wall?

Have you no shame, sir? Have you no decency?

I won’t quote or select passages from the latest Sports Illustrated article. You should read it in full. It is available here: The Case Against Lance Armstrong.

What does it mean? It means everything.

If just two of the allegations contained therein are true (and – crucially – are proved true), then the damage in this case will spin out far past Armstrong. The SI story implicates not just Armstrong’s inner circle but also the United States Olympic Committee and the clinical drug trial system.


Boom. Business class seems to be fine for Mr. Jeff Novitzky.

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

70 Replies to ““It has no effect on my life – zero.””

  1. One commenter claims that things left out of the SI article would cause the remaining Lance advocates to change their religious beliefs. If so, why were they left out? The piece is obviously a hatchet job of retreaded innuendos; why would an assassin yield a dull weapon? Also, it gets at least some of the science wrong, which makes anyone who understands it question the validity of the entire piece; e.g., the notion that a test for EPO led to the “Hct above 50, no ride” rule (that rule was in place because there WAS no test for EPO, and when a test became available there was no longer a need to use a surrogate). Even more bizarre is the notion that a Pharma giant such as Baxter would be so cavalier about a potentially blockbuster drug in development that substantial quantities of it could be diverted to recreational use!

    Face it; it’s just another “he said/she said” retelling of old tales with no new evidence of whether or not they’re true.

    As for Floyd Landis’s bizarre proposal that the best solution is to encourage the use of performance enhancing drugs: how many people would still watch NFL football once the players looked more like the Transformer armored dude hopping up and down in the bottom left of the Fox Sports screen became the norm on the field?

    Why do we ride? Most of us because we love it? Why do we watch it on Versus? Because many of us have Walter Mitty fantasies, but I find it hard to conceive of those fantasies leading me to try to emulate a ‘droid!

  2. All you people who say St. Lance is a doper are wrong. Wrong Wrong Wrong Lance is a miracle, he even said so himself! He’s saved billions of lives. Yes he has!!! He came back to cycling to cure cancer.

    Not because of his ego as some of you cancer lovers out there say. He kicked cancer’s butt once and now he’s back to kick cancer’s ass once and for all for all our sakes. Just like Jesus came down to earth to save our souls and died trying. The unbelievers nailed Jesus to a cross just like Novitsky is nailing St. Lance to a cross with our tax dollars!!! It’s an OUTRAGE!!! I tell you an OUTRAGE!!!

    If you cancer loving, miracle doubting, Obama loving socialists out there would stop questioning The Miracle Saint Known as Lance and give him your money, the world would be a better place. No cancer.
    Everyone riding a bike, as long as it’s a TREK. The Road cycling warriors restored to their rightful place on the heroworshippingthrone.

    You have your facts and I have mine.

    I believed In Tyler. I believed in Floyd. I believed in Bernie Madoff.


  3. What joy we have in seeing the mighty fall. Granted, my theory is we like to see our demigods fail so we can believe that we are of higher character than them, but that’s just a passing thoughg on my part, really. Either way, it will be bad for the sport, with an already shaky reputation in terms of this topic and ultra-scrutiny beyond the scope of that inflicted on any other sport, save the ‘roid trials of the MLB. But even that seemed to eventually take a back seat to the sport itself.

    I often think there is a discrepancy among sports and how we look at their leaders. NFL has its dog fighter. The NBA and its girlfriend beaters. Boxers serve time for rape and they still get to be back in the ring with cheering spectators. Seems like a double standard in terms of having “squeaky clean” leaders in the sport. But perhaps it is an inacuraate parallel to draw — doping and behaving like a dope. I’m not quite sure. It could be a very flawed point I’m halfheartedly making. But I will say that I am not a “Lance Lover” or whatever it would be called, but would still be saddened to see this come to a criminal conclusion, as there will be negative ramifications far beyond the single athlete’s image.

  4. Ok, just saw Big Johnny’s video post. That is the goddam funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time. “WHY THE FUCK AM I RIDING THIS BIKE?” I have thought this many times.

  5. For crying out loud.

    You people are on drugs. Fuck Lance. Fuck all your theories or rumors. Watch and see? Fine.

    Go ride. It’s waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cooler than having internet discussions with no end.

  6. Sorry, I only get to check this site on my lunch breaks at work. I thought it was an interesting conversation, hence I threw my two cents in as part of the dialogue. And as I’m at work, riding right now would be tricky.

    What the hell are internet forums for but having discussion, and occasionally putting up funny videos and irreverent jokes about boobs, beer, etc. And no, I’m not on drugs. I don’t drink or use drugs. I train, ride/race bikes, play ice hockey and work my ass of at an awesome non profit. Sometimes I make funny, intelligent or not so intelligent commentary on things I find interesting. Is that ok with you, Dick?

  7. Homeslice needs schoolin’. The bike IS the drug. “Sumpin wrong wif him” your OWN damned self, fool. And I KNOW your momma don’t ride no bike, drugs or no drugs. She so fat she hauled ass and it took her three trips.

  8. Well I’m indignant. It’s not like Lance rides around with his bars upside down or bar ends pointed up and back, with 5 psi rear tar pressure. No, he has his bars on just right, nicely taped up, and has 112.5 psi dry nitrogen in his rear tar. TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

  9. …so, lemme get this straight, rev…what you’re sayin’ is “i’m gonna participate to tell you NOT to participate”

    …m’kay, i got it but i ain’t buyin’ it…

    …while i agree that riding is way (squared) cooler, there’s time for both…

    …@tony…when i say your little spiel is “self righteous, over-the-top bullshit”, don’t take it personally just because you smeared it all over yourself…

    “you wear it well”

  10. …here ya go…this ain’t lance related but i pirated the vid from bsnyc/rtms (bikesnob to the uninitiated) wherein he had pirated it from comedy central…


    …the opening joke – “…in the last 5 to 7 years, people that ride bikes…have given themselves a license to be an asshole”, actually is kinda funny but it sets the stage for some rather inciting cycling “comedy”

    …give me ‘derogatory’ & i’m cool with that kinda humor but this guy treads close to dangerous, aka – kornheiser territory…

    …dare i suggest comments &/or discussion…

  11. They ain’t found a bullet yet with Kornholer’s name on it? Lemme go check my junk drawer…

  12. …@BGW okay, I won’t take it personally. But any criticism of my passionate defense of the greatest human being who ever lived puts you in league with the Devil…

    …I wear it well? I also wear my official radioshack kit with the matching cap, helmet, sox, gloves, shoecovers, Trek bicycle and the 327 livestrong yellow bracelets on my arm…

    …The doctor had to cut the yellow livestrong bracelets off my arm after they cut off all circulation to my hand and it turned purple…

    …but he was very impressed with my total commitment to the livestrong cause…

  13. “…puts you in league with the Devil…”

    …@tony…amigo…ol’ beelzebub came around here lookin’ for souls a long time ago…i came highly recommended, so he scopes me out, stands back n’ sez “motherfucker, you can keep that shit but son, we gotta ride together !!!”

    …well fuck, i looked that sombitch in the eye, smiled & i been ridin’ with the devil ever since…

  14. I just spent 40 minutes reading this blog! over half my trainer time reading this shit. I am pissed! Blogoholic may have the most intelligent perspective of all! We are all Americans, we all do drugs, who really gives a shit?? I love Lance. I love riding, racing, and all things bike. Please make a better story against the positive Lance affect on cycling and cancer. You can’t. I guarantee you will find that 90% of the people he has inspired to make their lives better with or without cancer DONT CARE! Pluck your panties out of your ass and get on your bike! A few of you have a personal axe to grind – OK, thats cool, but again the vast majority of Americans DONT CARE! Lance has provided one thing: HOPE! Hope I can ride, hope I don’t get cancer, hope I don’t get caught taking drugs. Naysayers – get over yourselves. NO ONE CARES!