Cyclist Down – Carla Swart

Carla Swart
Carla Swart

According to news sources in South Africa Carla Swart, national collegiate champion, and neo pro on HTC women’s team was hit and killed by a truck while out on a training ride. She was a member of the Lees-McCrae College cycling team located in Banner Elk, North Carolina, and from all accounts, was a pretty wonderful person. She also competed in the recent 2010 Commonwealth Games for South Africa. Our thoughts go out to her family, loved ones, teammates, and anyone else who knew her.

Take care out there folks.

About giantcu92

Engineer living in the NOVA, and working for "The Man". Cycling and political junky. All things 2 wheeled are good. 4 wheels? Eh, OK, but 2 wheels better. Washinton, DC, USA

18 Replies to “Cyclist Down – Carla Swart”

  1. Carla was a shining star for South African cycling. Her death is a shock, and our thoughts, and sympathy are with her family and friends at this time. Rest in peace Carla, Ons is al baie hartseer.
    Your South African cycling family

  2. Jesus, I knew her and my old teammates raced against her in the collegiate scene. Sad stuff. RIP Carla.

  3. It does sound like she pulled up in the wrong direction while doing some kind of interval training. Always watch what you are doing. Unfortunaltely it is really hard to keep that awareness going when you are stretching for max effort. You are so focused on what you are doing and forget where you are and the dangers.

    The team vehicle probably shoudl have been much closer with hazards on to give better advanced notice to other road users.

    When I do intervals I try to find a quite section that fits the bill.


  4. “…from all accounts, was a pretty wonderful person…”

    As is each of us, to someone. Let’s not forget that. I charge each of you, boys and girls, to be nice to then person to your left or your right. Do this now, in remembrance to the fallen.

  5. …this news is exceedingly sad…

    …& not that it should make a difference but when you look @ carla’s only-just-started list of college cycling palmares, it’s such a shame that her awesome potential will never be realized…

  6. SO SAD! Carla was an amazing person. I raced with her and against her in the collegiate series though out the South East. RIP- We’ll miss you!

  7. And with a new year, so begins a new body count.

    And that just fucking blows.

    RIP Carla, and stay safe everyone.

  8. We got to watch Carla destroy the women’s cyclocross field on multiple occasions. It was clear very quickly how truly talented she was as she routinely worked her way into a podium position of the men’s CX3 field (who started 1 minute ahead of her). Our hearts go out to all who are touched by her loss.

  9. And you wonder why We yell and scream at vehicles that dont yield to us . After this , I will pull no stops on pointing out our right to use the road with no life threatening steel carbon burning noise making ass holes think they rule the streets ! I’m carrying a serious attitude . Kill or be killed . Sorry just doesnt work for me anymore !