A different kind of baller…
More info here, lemmymovie.com.
Facebook page here.
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
A different kind of baller…
More info here, lemmymovie.com.
Facebook page here.
Judi, you are awesome!
Killer. Saved on Netflix.
DB… Austin Powers < Lemmy. You should be ashamed.
Ok, the natural follow-up for me is : What's your favorite album? You can't say all, that's too easy.
DB : Austin Powers < Lemmy fer fuck's sake. You should be ashamed.
In other news : What is everyone's favorite album. (Can't say all, that would be too easy…)
there was this in 2008;
then there was this;
Hell hath no fury like a bitch on wheels.
Judy’s very first post. She’s got street cred that would fill up a shopping cart.
judi is right, baller straight up
Saw Motorhead open up for Iron Maiden a few years back…my buddy that got the tix was all geeked up for Maiden, but I never cared for that screechy little bitch…I was there to see Lemmy. Fucking loud and fucking fast. I ended up bailing out early on the night, but the festivities continued post-concert at a local “ahem” gentlemen’s establishment. Sure enough, Lemmy was there. My buddy bought him a beer, and he reciprocated. And I missed it. Fuck.
and now he’s shilling beer for Kronenbourg — a subsidiary of Heineken Intl.
i am partially deaf from a motorhead show i saw in 89 or 90. i was front left of the stage, right in front of the speakers. my hearing was never the same.
i will never forget lemmy’s cut off’s that day we shared a beer before the show. TMI is an understatement.
and no one mentions http://lemmymovie.com/
damn… wrong link. there is another preview available.
Lemmy is a God. Happy to see you posted this here.
@BP Lemmy’s mole could kick my ass.
@BP, favorite album? ace of spades.
favorite song? speedfreak.
hands down.
your turn.
Album would be either “ace of spades” or “1916”
Favorite song would either be “marching off to war” or “back at the funny farm”.
…lotta fans see lemmy as ‘a god’ but lemmy, ever the realist bless his little heart, sees himself as 49% motherfucker + 51% son of a bitch…
…when i was a kid & the only skateboarder in my little canadian town, i wore an ‘iron cross’ around my neck for years…i’m bettin’ lemmy’s may be the real thing…
From the 1994 Movie Airheads:
Chazz is played by Brendan Fraser.
Rex is played by Steve Buscemi
Chris Moore is played by Harold Ramis..
Chazz: Who’d win in a wrestling match, Lemmy or God?
Chris Moore: Lemmy.
[Rex imitates a game show buzzer]
Chris Moore: God?
Rex: Wrong, dickhead. Trick question. Lemmy is God.
Motorhead and Girlschool. Lemmy trading off lead vocals with one of his many conquests, Kelly Johnson.
Lemmy: “Oh I remember the first time I took her to a cheap motel”
Kelly: “Well I woke up drunk, you know I felt like Eskimo Nell.”
That’s Lemmy for ya. A real romantic.
…tony…great ‘rave up’ with motorhead/girlschool…“pleeeeeease don’t touch”…
@tony, THAT WAS RAD!!! i haven’t heard that song in so long. thanks for the link.
I do backstage and hospitality catering for rock shows, and catered Motorhead last SXSW. Part of Lemmy’s rider was 3 bottles of Jack Daniels Black and a case of Oxbow Cider in his dressing room. Soundcheck was at 4:00, we found the first empty of JD at 5:00, and he was out of Oxbow by 6:00. Man rolls hardcore.
@23, i wonder if he’s still going strong on meth.
Lemmy (Motorhead), Slash & Dave Grohl – The Ace of Spades (live @ Revolver Golden Gods Awards)
Source: http://twoheaded-dawg.deviantart.com/art/Lemmy-71965053.
…nice, gianni…i personally like that acoustic version of “ace of spades”…
…one thing about lemmy…he played ‘rock n’ roll’…not “metal, heavy metal, speed metal, thrash metal, blah, blah, blah”…lemmy just played rock n’ roll…
…found this little nugget…
…when Joel McIver spoke to him for an interview published in the January 2000 edition of Record Collector, he asked him if he thought some people get confused between hard rock and soft metal and all the other categories. Lemmy replied “Cunt metal? Spunk metal? Left-handed metal? Right-handed metal? Upwardly-mobile metal? This term “heavy metal” is only rock’n’roll anyway, because metal bands are the logical successors to Eddie Cochran and Buddy Holly.”…
…lemmy is a rock n’ roller…he wouldn’t play anything else…
Yes BGW, Lemmy played Rock n Roll and nothing but Rock N Roll
i only wish there was a Motorhead version of “Somethin Else”
Sid Vicious punked up that Eddie Cochran song but Lemmy could do the definitive version of it if he wanted. Until then, we have proof that the 1950’s didn’t completely suck if it could produce this: