just in chilean miners test positive for banned substance
lamest evarrrrrr
i made it to 1:09. lame lame lame.
I personally think they made bike riding look super lame.
…okay, choose…
…this video or insane clown posse’s ‘miracle’ video…
its saving grace is the chic in the blue shirt. she doesn’t show up until 3:45 in though.
None of this has never happened to me while riding my bike. Ever. What the hell?
Shoot it in the face and destroy the body with fire.
Not a fair comparison. Insane Clown pussies ain’t aboot bikes, eh. Like they could even ride one down the driveway without being turned into hamburger. There’s a thought; “Does this burger taste funny?”. Damn, I crack myself up.
Fuck, what was we talking about?
That video disorientated my sexual orientation. I now have the urge to fondle hairy man boobs – from behind.
I need to go ride my bike, I’ll feel better.
First the Insane Clown Pussies and now this?…gayer than a tennis helmet.
Videos don’t “disorient”. Is what it is; was what it was. Not that there’s a bloomin’ thing wrong with that.
That is a pretty OK video for one that features people that don’t actually know how to ride bikes. That’s the only part that bugs me.
Good choice, Cavement. We always need to stay familiar with how stupid hipster-ism can really get… even in Europe.
This is the big league. “Pretty OK” ain’t gonna get it done.
since some jackass sent me that vid and practically ruined my day, thought spreading the disease would make me feel better.
Fortunately, (apparently), clicking on the link gets me a “This video is blocked in your country due to copyright reasons”
Gnome, Shirt & stickers arrived today, 8 days from posting to being in my letter box at the other side of the world is pretty cool, many thanks
just in chilean miners test positive for banned substance
lamest evarrrrrr
i made it to 1:09. lame lame lame.
I personally think they made bike riding look super lame.
…okay, choose…
…this video or insane clown posse’s ‘miracle’ video…
its saving grace is the chic in the blue shirt. she doesn’t show up until 3:45 in though.
None of this has never happened to me while riding my bike. Ever. What the hell?
Shoot it in the face and destroy the body with fire.
Not a fair comparison. Insane Clown pussies ain’t aboot bikes, eh. Like they could even ride one down the driveway without being turned into hamburger. There’s a thought; “Does this burger taste funny?”. Damn, I crack myself up.
Fuck, what was we talking about?
That video disorientated my sexual orientation. I now have the urge to fondle hairy man boobs – from behind.
I need to go ride my bike, I’ll feel better.
First the Insane Clown Pussies and now this?…gayer than a tennis helmet.
Videos don’t “disorient”. Is what it is; was what it was. Not that there’s a bloomin’ thing wrong with that.
That is a pretty OK video for one that features people that don’t actually know how to ride bikes. That’s the only part that bugs me.
Good choice, Cavement. We always need to stay familiar with how stupid hipster-ism can really get… even in Europe.
This is the big league. “Pretty OK” ain’t gonna get it done.
since some jackass sent me that vid and practically ruined my day, thought spreading the disease would make me feel better.
Fortunately, (apparently), clicking on the link gets me a “This video is blocked in your country due to copyright reasons”
Gnome, Shirt & stickers arrived today, 8 days from posting to being in my letter box at the other side of the world is pretty cool, many thanks
try my snake technique: