Todd Wells is no longer in showroom condition

I’m pretty sure at this point I can safely name Todd Wells as a “friend of drunkcyclist” after my time as volunteer-luggage-handler-to-the-stars at Redland’s a few years back. God damn Millionaire that he is. (Pic from Facebook, no idea how to credit it properly.)

Why the long face?
Why the long face?

For all you cat’s claiming Leadville is easy, take a look at my man. You think he had it easy? No. He had it hard. Very, very hard.

Good on ya, Wells.

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

15 Replies to “Todd Wells is no longer in showroom condition”

  1. I remember waayyy back in the days (96), Wells having a very good time in Kentucky after winning Collegiate Nationals….I was told it was his first time having alcohol. Great job at Leadville TW, way to keep it real.

  2. Mountain Flyer has a kick’n write up on the event and some fine pics. Apparently, Wells and Levi got tangled on Sugarloaf when Levi made a wrong turn. Wells lost spokes, and Ned Overend gave up his wheel so Wells could stay in contention. Read up on it here.

  3. I think Todd could give Snake a run in the “best looking support crew category”

    Big props to both men that was one tough pedal bike race

  4. If Leadville takes 2-4 years off of a man’s life, is it still worth it?

  5. I don’t have the source, but Levi was quoted as saying the Leadville 100 was the most that he’s suffered on a bike in his professional career. Would have been fun to have had Lance and Chris Horner ride as well!

  6. …thanks, gianni…hoisted by my own petard…again…

    …here is the message that jhk sent to gary fisher when he sent him the link to that video – ” I can barely talk and todd wells just stares into space for the last 2 minutes. Real!”

    …you can just see it in all of them…ol’ vet dave wiens perhaps looks the most alive…

  7. I’d say he left it all out on the trail, but in the video he looks like he’s still trying to hold down that last clif bar. Damn.

  8. Just a heads up for all that are interested… Flag’s own Art Keith finished 2nd in the 95′ collegiate nat’s right behind Wells. AND, from what I hear another half lap might have made the difference. Guy can kill it even on a bad day.

  9. I finished 2nd to JHK in the 98 Collegiate Nationals. Since JHK beat Wells at Leadville this year, that means my bragging rights beat Art’s bragging rights. This is the only way I will ever beat Art at anything.

  10. …that’s a wonderfully humorous observation & comment, gnomer…

    …after a serious & concerned series of comments as regards the post of one of the other regulars, i needed the laugh…

    …& i didn’t beat anybody, anywhere, at anytime that i can recall so i’ll have to live & laugh vicariously…