42/58 – How I got high yesterday

I entered a trance like mind-space induced by speed
Rejoicing I went up residential 23rd and ripped down 24th
Eating green lights, speeding for ten streets
The sun came out, and, feeling like a teenager
I went up the hill and did it again.

A state of joy can persist
tossing away worry and want
doing what one’s heart desires

Dog bowl corner

The mundane moments
can magnify into expressions
of trust and love

Lightness of being is
not found in the cynic
the driven, or the fearful

This is adventure of little distance
most restful time for me
walking, watching dogs play

Deciding to be good to me
in the pub with water
waking up to quiet health.

Plenty of space, plenty of parking options.
Plenty of space, plenty of parking options.
Seattle is full of beauty
Seattle is full of beauty.

I’m really loving this new way of life
Don’t miss the kitchen much
I play outside all day long
I see new things every day
Lance meets dogs all day
Driving as little as possible
at peace with all beings (except flies and fleas)
Something I’m doing here
is making me happy and healthy
so I need to keep doing it.

...Beauty I did not see when I 'lived' in an apartment here.
...Beauty I did not see when I 'lived' in an apartment here.

You can have your goal oriented
your career management
your agenda driven
your commitments, your curriculum,
and especially your competition.

You can have your property game
your excuses; excesses, your delusions; distractions.
Have your stuck anchors and heavy chains
and your dead albatrosses
Have it all…  Chattel.  Vanity.  Folly.
I’ll take peace and freedom
without needing to buy a house in it.

Empty urban school lots = peace.
Empty urban school lots = peace.

About littlejar

5 - Learned to ride in paved alley behind liquor store in Lowell. 16 - Road bike riding alone while peers do soccer practice. 18 - First new road bike bought with winnings from Project Graduation. 20 - Burlington VT. Nuff said. 22 - Joined the Air Force. 23 - Joined team Fair Wheel in Tucson - rode the Shootout. 24 - Rode El Tour in under five. 26 - Toured to Quebec City 28 - Toured Oklahoma to Vermont 30 - Found my dream bike - a 1989 58cm LaBan (#22) 32 - Experienced Minneapolis and saw BIKE CULTURE. 34 - Building my first bicycle frame, with a self made jig. USA

7 Replies to “42/58 – How I got high yesterday”

  1. Seattle is great, but sadly I left it for Phoenix a week ago. By the way, is this the Lake Washington loop North of the I-90 bridge? I recognized it before you said it was Seattle. Thanks.

  2. looks awesome. I’ve scrolled up and down the page now for about 5 minutes. Is that Seattle? Love it. Should visit sometime in the summer. –Lance

  3. One of those pictures is in Wallingford. Another in Maple Leaf. Those photos are actually from more than one day.
    Seattle is a great place to check out, if you avoid the tourism. Riding on a big dangerous boat with wheels on a tour or going up in the Space Needle are not my idea of fun. Riding around new neighborhoods IS.
    People here are not too open, not that kind, but friendly in a superficial way. There is a very insular vibe among Northwesterners – a large part of them from Scandanavia. There’s little to no generosity and anything ‘different’ – such as a guy and a dog living happily in a truck, is a threat to their idea of normal-ness and they react by being afraid, and not helping.

    Like the Hole song goes:

    They look the same
    They think the same
    They even fuck the same.

    Haven’t fucked enough of them to know about the third claim, but culturally, I do not find the Northwest appealing. As a city, Seattle has a *bit* more diversity but it’s no New York, by any means. The people here are not as hipster-snob-more-chic-than-you as Portlanders are. But plenty of those around are way too cool to talk to me.
    The peace, quiet, and good air is monopolized by wealthy white people, and so I park in their neighborhoods rent free and enjoy the life that they want to keep to themselves, that of peace, quiet, and good air.
    I have yet to be scathingly critical, but my little advertisement has gotten me no phone calls. ZERO. I guess I’m supposed to go work at a supermarket and beg for such a privilege, all my skills be damned. Days are numbered here in paradise.