Man, Pharmstrong can be a real douche. Watch the hockey check on an unsuspecting pedestrian. Total. Dick. Move.
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
Man, Pharmstrong can be a real douche. Watch the hockey check on an unsuspecting pedestrian. Total. Dick. Move.
Good times:
The guy has certainly had a rough tour, and yesterday he worked his ass off all day long only to get owned in the final sprint. That’s pretty rough… however, if you watch the video closely, it is quite clear that he took his frustration out on a random person. There is no bad luck or soul-crushing defeat that anyone can experience that should make it acceptable to treat random, innocent bystanders as emotional punching bags. How could any one here truly believe that what he did to that guy is alright?
His world is crashing before his very eyes . I got to say what a dick wad control freak . your done prick …………
After seeing this, it is hard for me to decide what is more pathetic-checking some unsuspecting old dude or not even being thought of to chase down. When was the last time LA was not chased down in a TDF?
Lance, you are done. You are not even close to being on the same level as Schleck nor Contador. It is pathetic to see you back in the pack smiling and joking around. There is a reason why you had so much “bad luck” this Tour, it’s called karma. The crashes and flats saved yourself from truly humiliating yourself.
I hate to be cynical, but I find it a little ridiculous that has no problem having an above-the-fold story about other drama (such as the Barredo tussle in the first week), but Lance shoulder-checks an innocent bystander and it’s not even mentioned.
For any one who really believes that it was an honest mistake: we all know Lance has better than average handling skills – he was NOT moving too slow to maneuver. If you think it’s a simple matter of two people trying to occupy the same space at the same time, it looks a hell of a lot more like Lance trying to occupy the space that someone else was already occupying. People with respect and dignity don’t typically try to push other people out of their way so that they can occupy a space that someone else is already taking. Furthermore, if he was really in danger of hitting an inanimate object, the tactful thing would have been to use those things that we refer to as BRAKES. There is absolutely nothing I see in this video that points to it being a mistake.
man, that statement about love and indifference makes me bummed because I’m so indifferent that I love none of you. Anyone got a good therapist recommendo in FLG?
If any of you are old enough to remember the Andy Kaufman/Jerry Lawler feuds of the 1980’s there are interesting parallels to the Lemond/Armstrong feud.
First check out #51 from Humpty. Lemond and Armstrong hugging and making nice? Photos don’t lie. Methinks this is a charade. They’re pretending to be antagonists now to keep themselves in the news.
Both former TDF winners
Big egos
Declining fortunes
Desperate for attention
Now check out this uncensored video from Letterman Show.
It was later revealed by Jim Carrey in the film “Man On The Moon” that the whole “feud” between Lawler and Kaufman was staged. They were friends.
Conspiracies, conspiracies are everywhere.
Am I the only “fan boy”, “hater” that noticed how narrow the path was where Lance “hockey checked” the grey hair and that LA was up against the barrier tape when this horrible, douche like, incident occurred? Just sayin.
It’s besides the point whether or not LA was trying to squeeze between the pedestrian and the barriers or whether he intentionlly dropped a shoulder. What’s so wrong in turning around and saying “my bad?” Does he have to cast the Ullrich stare? Fuck no. Sure, we all have bad days, but poor old dude was walking along and BAM gets nailed from behind. Old guy could have broken a hip. I’m just saying that action right there was a total dick move. My two cents. Now, hug it out fuggers!
Crap guys, some of youse yoots are a bit off the hook, chill out. Save it all for the Drunkcyclist Demo Derby, whenever Jonny hits is big as a lawyer.
Did you guys see the article about BigJonny in buycycling?
Now everyone back to your regular lives, if this were a real important topic, the government would have told us a bunch of lies already.
…humpty…no nasty attacks, just a little of “my” reality…
…first off, armstrong has never been & never will be a ‘robin hood’ to me…were he to come out & make ‘the admission’, i’d have more respect for him but i don’t see that happening…love to be wrong on that but i don’t think he has the mindset to believe the public could accept him in that situation…
…personally, i think he’s wrong about that…might take a while but i believe it would happen…
…while your grandpappy used ta say “you can’t polish a turd”, i say “you can’t turn a plow horse into a thoroughbred”…if he didn’t have natural talent, amazing drive & he didn’t work as hard as he did, all the drugs in the world would not turn him into a 7 time tour winner…he or anyone else…
…bear w/ me & understand that in telling you this, i am not looking for an ounce of empathy, sympathy, respect, whatever else anyone might dream up thinking i’m looking for…i’m telling you this to relate a hard fucking fact…
…8 years ago, this time of year during the tour, i was in a hospital bed…basically, i had collapsed on an easy ride & came within 30 to 90 sec of dying (i was told)…my brain was starved for oxygen because my heart was taking what it could to keep my body alive…when i was revived i had lost my identity…i was ‘clue nada’ as to who i was…
…won’t get into details but several cycling related things in the hospital (believe it or not) helped me finally start to realize who i was & while this may be hard to understand without riding in my ‘sidi’s’, i really didn’t care if i lived or died…i honestly felt like i would be better off to just die…
…i had a father & brother alive who did not care what-so-ever…i didn’t expect any concern from that quarter…wonderful friends, yes & a good medical staff that made me face the reality being offered me but initially, i didn’t give a fuck…
…but up there, in the news, on the tv screen was lance ‘fucking’ armstrong…it wasn’t important to me that he was a guy who’d formed some organization, at that point in my consciousness…it wasn’t even important to me that he was a tour ‘winner’ at that point…
…he was a cyclist, i was a cyclist…
…& he was one thing to me…a guy who got up from his death bed & got back on his bike…i decided i’d be a bitch if i didn’t do the same thing…& after a quintuple (5) by-pass, i fucking did just that…
…so perhaps, humpty, you wanted to believe in what you thought you saw in the man in the beginning & even worked towards that end for him & yet were disappointed by your own expectations…
…i saw what i needed to see in the man & was then able to find what i needed in myself because i could have been a dead man…you’re calling him a fraud will never run deep in my heart or in the millions worldwide who found something they needed for themselves knowing he got of his deathbed & succeeded…
…while i had heart problems rather than cancer, i had no expectations of the man but his actions gave me hope for myself…unfortunately most of us know a number of other people who are affected by cancer one way or another…
…i’ll say it again “he has raised awareness of the fact that cancer is not a steel door that closes once you go through & then your life is over”…
…that’s what’s important to me…
This is what I think about how this thread has gone:
Chill out folks.
Can we just enjoy the fact that tomorrow is Tourmalet #2. Legs are going to get ripped off…
bgw, thanks for the story. Humpty’s not a bad guy, if he is who I think he is. Ran a pretty top rate shop. I worked with and dealt with a lot of the same people. We all drank the kool-aid in Austin and kept our mouths shut when cracks started showing, because we were all benefiting from LA fever. I understand how he feels, but I was never in the inner circle, so I don’t feel betrayed.
el jefe, WTF,Shake weights ? I don’t even want to go there.
But yes, looking forward to tomorrow.
I have huge respect for BGW & HUMPTY comes across as an intelligent & reasoned person so respect there too.
I think that this is a moment wonderfully captured in “Oklahoma”, i.e. “The Farmer & the Cowhand should be friends.” scene.
Love those old 50’s movies, probably before most of your times, (yeah go ahead, Google it, damn kids, no ideas, put them in the army I say…)
BGW, thanks for sharing, glad your still here..
…el jefe…
…i was hoping something ‘from the heart’ would add a new (???) perspective…
…i can’t really imagine any of us here is a ‘bad guy’…cycling as an activity is hard work if it’s done w/ any enthusiasm & bike racing at the pro level is such a hard fucking sport, even w/ ‘enhancement’, i think there’s still a certain honesty to it…no purity at that point but there are easier sports to make a buck at, for sure…
…thanks, bud…
…right now, i’m exhausted from revisiting my ol’ personal ‘tourmalet’…
Um, people survived Cancer before the Bike Messiah did. How is it even possible that Lance fellators read DC? Seriously, how the fuck does that happen on a continuing basis?
One comment each, boys. Or format it totally dorky so I can easily skip your 2nd, 7th (get it), and 12th rehash or your horse flogging.
Lance never flogged a horse.
Except that Leihpheimer poney he rides up hills on these days…
Peace. Glad you are still turnin the cranks.
…thanks, humpty…
…angel on my shoulder…
…i was given a major second chance in life…i collapsed within 200 to 300yds of a paramedic station…otherwise, ‘el finito’…
late to this party, amazed at the volume of commentary. I have to say – I like Lance better because he is not the perfect nice guy some want to believe. It is infuriating… people crawling all over the place, you’re tired, you want to get THE FUCK off the bike and maybe get a massage, and fucking reporters crowding your trailer. A TRAILER, people, when you’re used to living in a nice Aspen house. I’d be an ass, too. “Get off of me” is pretty gentle, actually. Long rides tend to bring up a lot of aggression in me, too – as non-pro as I am, I still produce anabolic steroids during a long work out and so many of you know this feeling – you want to tear something’s head off and you’ve got a short fuse. It’s not easy being a pro.
Were I come from pedestrians have right of way in that kind of situation. If the cyclist (whoever it was) bumps the older man, he apologises, acknowledges his mistake and they move on. The crass arrogance of that poor cyclist is unacceptable behaviour. Anywhere. Douche bag doper.
Amen littlejar, “It’s not easy being a pro.”
rough getting massages after your races, getting paid to race your bike.
I can’t believe that arrogance of that old man trying to walk in front of LA not knowing he was behind.
Guys like Carlos Sastre, Thor, CVV etc. have it all wrong. FUCK THE FANS!
I’m liking Mr. Sastre a lot after reading this quote from today’s stage:
“For some it was crazy, for others it was stupid, and others a day of courage and bravery. For me, it was a day to enjoy being on the bike.”
I’m sorry. Watched that vid 6x and I ain’t seeing the big deal.
Lancy-pants was just rolling around backstage….trying to get to his trailer after a 200k race…..exhausted….brain all wired from the effort….he brushes off the old guy as he goes pass to keep from falling thru the ropes on the right.
No harm no foul no story. Nothing to see here…just move along.
And I don’t like LA. Think he’s a dick. But this is trivial.
On that note…..a question.
Anyone else get the so-called “runner’s high” after a long ride ?
Is this better Hurben?
or the honest one:
Lance haters will find any reason to hate him. Fanboys will always love him. It’s about the brand at this point. I don’t give a shit. Yeah, he can be an egotistical dick, but he backed it up for a long time (and inspired a lot of people to get off their fat lazy asses in the process), and you don’t get to where he did without being Type A to begin with. Does he have class? No. He’s no Ned Overend or Nelson Vails. Was he really fucking good at his job? Yes. In their day Hinault and Merckx were jerks too. There is more awareness of cycling because of him. Period.
…chris horner eloquently stated, without coming out & actually expressing his disappointment, that he’d been working his ass off for three weeks for the lance-ster, “bottle” (levi) & kloden & hey, god dammit, here i am in tenth place, ahead of all three…
…seems like once lance’s fate was defined & that leipheimer wasn’t lookin’ that great (& he was more a hope than a reality) that the team could a’ thrown in & been working for ‘the redneck’ as well as securing that team prize…
…just sayin’, johan…
Yup. Horner is the shit. Always has been.
Horner is an excellent tacticianm
Velo news video diary w him is excellent.
Too bad that he had to hold back and wait for a lance stage.
As neither a Lance hater or a fan-boy, but a man who gives credit where credit is due, and understands exhaustion… I have to agree with the Colonel – so trivial… you see one mother fucker running to get the fuck out of the way, and another dude strolling around in the ‘recovery lane’ or whatever the fuck it is called, and I would have shoved the guy if I was in as foul a mood as Lance was, too, and that guy gets to go home and say “Lance bumped me.” and tell that story over and over.
A far cry more gentle than the old days, when you get into the King’s way, you get your head just cleaved off.
All you haters…suck my ball!
LEAVE LANCE ALONE !!! sniffle snort honk poot
hey man, i dont see a problem here…. i do this all the time riding down the university with student walking out in front of me. it is fun, you should try it!
“Former Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong expressed confidence that he will be cleared well before any charges are filed in a federal investigation into the old U.S. Postal Service team and confirmed that he has hired one of the country’s best criminal-defense firms to protect his rights in the matter.”
Don’t make me roundhouse kick you guys through your computer screen. Next time someone tackles my friend Huckabee, LA will not have ANY balls left.
can i link this? cause yall are bitches that can’t handle the straight outa Contador shit
Cos, I have to embed that.
You can embed shit? Fuck, I want to embed shit too…
I think if any of you embed youtube code (or whatever) into the comment section, it should work. I don’t think I was able to do anything any of you can’t do.
How to get respect for a tuba…nice!
Toys do not have muscles
The difference between LeMond and Armstrong:
I saw LeMond with riding a kids bike (with his kids if I remember correctly) at Vail for the MTB Championships in the 90’s. LeMond bumped an older lady on a walking path. He stopped, she chewed him out good, he made sure she was ok and apologized (more than once).
Class and manners vs whatever you call LA.
looking forward to not owning an Armstrong tiagra equipped Chinese made bicycle, when they do come out with them.
I also wish very much to make t-shirts that say:
My other bike is also not a SURLY.
That’s it right there.
That’s how I expect my heros to act.
I don’t care how shitty their day has been, that show’s character.
Good on Greg.
…ohhh, you mean a ‘trek / the armstrong collection’ when they come out with ’em…
Not agree on several issues but the whole thing, and so impressive. Successful year!