Yesterday I had to drive through Butte, Montana, a city that is best known for the 1,700 foot deep whole in the ground known as The Berkeley Pit. Despite my love of all things geology, I never like spending time in Butte, I prefer to drive through it as quickly as possible. However, just a few miles past the city, is Homestake Pass on Interstate 90, where you cross over the Continental Divide. If you are ever in that neck of the woods stop at exit 233, and you can ride a 9 mile section of the Continental Divide Trail. The trail head is all of a 3 second drive from the westbound exit ramp. So yeah, once again I was treated to a great ride on nothing but singletrack hovering somewhere between 6500 and 7500 feet the entire time. I took my time to soak in the views, chat with folks that I bumped into, and enjoy a couple hours on the bike. Here are some photos to enjoy, and maybe the next time you find yourself anywhere near Butte, MT, head on over and enjoy some trail.
A view towards Homestake Pass
Photo take by thru-hiker
Self portrait
Trail markings
40 Hands,
Bless you, something to do with actually riding a bicycle.
wow. Thats some sweet looking trail. If I ever do find myself in/around Butte, I’ll definitely consider myself found.
The view behind the self portrait is particularly appealing. I do love me some mountain.
I’ve driven right by that and never took the time to get the off the pavement and out of my car. Thanks for the insights, brother. Good to know what awaits me next time.
I ripped 30 miles of trail around the San Francisco peaks yesterday. I didn’t make mention because I didn’t think anyone cared. And to tell you it was sublime single track, full of fresh wildflowers, aspen, and natural loam so lusty it begged to be beaten with my trusty tread, well, that is to say it was on par with life as it is lived from here. This heaven you speak of 40 Hands Montana, well I want to touch it some day. Thank you.
damn, I drive across that pass a couple times a year at least. So noted. Thank you, brother.
that trail looks like a smell that hits me when pine loam gets to a certain temperature on certain days. damn, it’s not west here.
Nice niner! Cool post, man. Will be riding a section of the Monarch Crest trail here in a few weeks. Not Butte, I know, but Continental Divide no less. Now I am even more excited. Hell yeah!
And Gnome, we DO care.
…wow…i can hear the deafening silence…
…so stunningly beautiful it makes one’s heart ache…
…& i’m just sayin’ it looks like the cx bike would roll smoothly & peacefully through that landscape…
seeing stuff like this makes me realize that I need to strike out and go someplace every once in a while!
Gnome – I need to get my ass down to Flagstaff to explore the San Francisco Peaks, and yes, we give a shit about your bike rides.
Bikesgonewild- A CX bike could work, but thats because the trail was designed and built for use by bikes, people, and horses, so it can’t be too gnarly, it does make for some nice climbing grades though.