Wow, sparks and tempers were flaring after today’s stage! Nothing screams “Lil Bitch” more than a couple cyclists clad in lycra and funny shoes tussling in public. And to make matters worse, Quick Step rider Carlos Barredo used a spare wheel to aid in his bitch slapping. You wanna kick dude’s ass? First take off your tap dancing shoes, then step up, square up and clock the fugger right in the grill. Or better yet, grab his trachea and squeeze that shit like you’re juicing an orange. Otherwise, go ice your nuts and chill. That reminds me….who was that dude on the National scene a few years back who purportedly picked up a 2×4 post race to finish a fight?
Update: Video at
Second Update: Our two ass biters bad ass cyclists were Carlos Barredo (Quick Step) and Rui Costa (Caisse d’Epargne). Story at Velonews.
Nothing says girl fight like a punch up at a candy dance. fugg’n geh.
Let’s get it ON!!!!
I think it was Scott Mercer.
what kind of damage does he think he’s going to do with that wheel? seriously?
800 grams of fury!!
Hey, you try to duke it out in tap dancing shoes & straddling a road bike!
I think it was Gaggioli.
Read the rest:
Dirty#4— LOL, seriously.
My research prof in college was a hockey ref in his spare time. He believed that fighting in hockey was harmless because, “you can’t throw a good punch standing on skates.”
One of my nightmares is some punk grabbing my Trophy Bike & running, and I can’t catch the little fuck because I’m wearing plastic shoes with big stupid cleats on them.
original link
MTB pedals make for a better punch.
Annnnd the Armenian joke has run it’s course. I’m now my usual pissant french man.
Compare that to Big Jonny’s earlier photo of the Badger in comparison: Barredo should be embarrassed for being such a nancy-boy.
Damn straight. Hinault would have lit either of those two up like a fucking Christmas tree.
…two 132lb effete spanish bike racers…that coulda got ugly…
…hope they didn’t pee themselves…
Versus cross promotional for the upcoming MMA fights.
Thank god! (and flodizzle) a cycling post without whingin’ n’ moanin’!! Good stuff.
Thanks also to the other posters offering tour info. It’s a bit hard to come hy here in the hinterlands.
BTW, Mikey, wow, was your research prof actually serious? lol. ..he obviously never caught a stray one!’s usually the linesemen & not the refs that get unlucky, but still..
damn kark! i don’t think my posts have any “whingin’ n’ moanin’” in them
but yes, i agree. well done flo
“BTW, Mikey, wow, was your research prof actually serious? lol. ..he obviously never caught a stray one!’s usually the linesemen & not the refs that get unlucky, but still..”
Kark— I think he was serious, strangest damn thing. He was Canadian, maybe that explains it. :)
heh, sorry Dirty Biker. yours were not in mind when I typed that out. I think you might have known that though eh?
..actually there’ve been loads of great posts that have only been peripherally related to cycling. ..or apres cycling as it were.
Just a few (too many imho) recently that seem to lean toward the preaching n’ moaning end of things.
Mikey, maybe he was from Saskatchewan..
..a little closer to civilization though, and I don’t know anybody who doesn’t (or didn’t) consider a decent defenseman getting a bare handed grip on yer jersey as anything less than a full on chin-in-shouldersnhands-up-hope-for-glancing-blows and try to get a couple in yerself type situation. :)
My 75 year old mum could knock the snot out of both of these guys hands down . The badger dont fuck around ! He could still whip either one of these
slender road fodder ……….
Puts the over-all athleticism of the cyclist into perspective
Shit, what kind of punch can you expect from two dudes who have arms that comparable to those found on a high school cheerleading team. make that a jr. high school cheerleading team.
Hinault would have wrapped that rim around someone’s neck.
BGW, I don’t know how “effete” they are…they’re not prize fighters, but I’d like to see how menacing a regular human being looks after a few days of racing at their level.
Most untrained/inexperienced people look fucking ridiculous in physical altercations. Find those two racers in the off season in street clothes and I don’t think it’d be a stretch to think that if the stakes were right they wouldn’t be more dangerous than an average person.
The dancing around in bike shoes was pretty funny though.
That Cervelo rider seemed to enjoy the show.
…hmmm…kid wonder, kid wonder ???…was you a trained professional, kid, ‘cuz i seem ta recall that moniker…fought out a’ jersey, didn’t ya ???…
…actually, i agree about how untrained/inexperienced people look when fighting (((especially me – fortunately none of us are exposed to that spectacle often)))…even tough guys can look idiotic in that situation…
Two men wearing their sisters underpants thrashing and falling onto one another, RAD. This was the office amusement for Friday, thanks for sharing. Reminds me of Happy Gilmore saying he was the only guy to ever remove his skate and threaten another player with it. Where did he get that spare? The team truck?
Chimp, maybe he took off the wheel and went at it? Did he take off a Mavic neutral support vehicle?
Zanoli knew how to get it done
Still don’t understand why neither of them didn’t start swinging his helmet like Sandra Oh in “Sideways” [the only GOOD part of the whole movie]