From: Dave B.
Just want to send off a photo to let you know that DC is being fully represented in the Vancouver/Squamish BC area. Every ride and race I get kudos’s for the jersey.The Orecrusher race was yesterday I finished the 43Km 6 lap race in 2:30.
2010 results and photos are not posted yet but there where a few photographers in the woods.

Good on ya, Dave. We appreciate you flying the colors.
rad. i really need a dc jersey.
Just you wait, kitty. This is going to be the tenth anniversary of Drunkcyclist in September. New fabric shall splash upon these shores once again. That’s my word.
Saaaaweeeet. I need to get me paws on one as well.
There it is my 15 minutes of fame Woohoo!!
I’ll be flying the DC colors this Sat. at the North Shore Bike Fest
And the Test of Metal on June 19th.
I promise not to embarrass the DC brotherhood!!
I’ll need to steal a jersey or some socks from Dirty Biker in a couple weeks. Doing my first 24 hour solo single speed in New Mexico. It’s the first year of this race, come one come all. The field is currently really small, maybe 150 total.
I’d toss in for a couple shirts.
Deciding on a size would suck tho.
Do I go for the fat fuck size I am now ?
Or the skinny fuck size I hope to be in 3-4 months ?
Decisions, decisions.
Ah hell. Fat fuck size it is. Even if I lose this weight it’ll just come back over winter.
You’ll have XXXL sizes eh ??
I am with the Colonel. Don’t forget us husky fellas. The only reason I don’t own that version is because BJ warned it may not fit me.