Remember Mike Anderson?

I do. I called him something mean like “underwear washer” at one point in 2005 (old html site NFSW). Yeah, sorry about that, buddy. We just try to keep it funny around here.

Some background:
Armstrong: ‘not going to pay blackmail’.
Armstrong assistant files response to suit.
Armstrong responds to Anderson counterclaim allegation.
Armstrong v. Anderson .pdf.
Lance Armstrong Settles Lawsuit with Former Assistant.

He wrote me a few emails recently. Go figure. Floyd Landis has made recent allegations that mirror previous statements of Mr. Anderson.

From: Mike A.
Subject: The Roar
Hello Big Jonny,

I wonder if you can hear my laughter all the way from New Zealand?

I’ve been practically glued to the news the last 24hrs. In fact, I had a really hard time sleeping last night. Big news for alot of folks in the know–the Andreus, Lemonds and Andersons.

I hope that some of those who made my life in my old home town of Austin rather unpleasant will now take a step back and consider all of this. Those were very difficult times for me and this lifts a great burden from my shoulders.

Furthermore, the fact that Floyd is admitting to using certain products (i.e. steroid patches) gives credence to my assertions about LA, which at the time were refuted by all the so-called experts.

When I went into the job in 2002 I had a great expectations for the finale, namely a bike shop of my own and well-earned credibility of my experience to go with it. Obviously, that didn’t turn out to be the case as I imagined. Nevertheless, I am now in this wonderful country with my wife and kids AND the bike shop. Although, now, I no longer feel the need to avoid the subject of my years with LA.

Kind regards,
Mike Anderson

Mike, you were due. Man, you were due. Vindication must feel damn good about now.

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

13 Replies to “Remember Mike Anderson?”

  1. I still have wheels that Mike Anderson built on my cross country bike. Mike was always a stand up guy, and whenever anyone asks why I think LA is a juicer, I’d say “Because Mike Anderson said so, and I have every reason to believe him, and NO reasons to believe Lance”.
    Mike, if you read this, I hope the beer is cold in NZ, and all is well.

  2. Mike,

    Used to work at Cycle 360 in Austin, rode for “Live to Ride” LAF team and it’s iterations from 1999-2002.You were there as I was leaving A town. Met LA through “College” and a few other coat-tailing douchebags in 2000 on a MTB ride after his Tour win. Road with him quite a few times. Don’t know you, but know LA well enough to know that LA is a dick, as are most of his cronies. I lost what respect I had for LA when he fucked over his wife for a “new lease on life”. LA gave a lot of people close to me that died from cancer hope, but it was all bullshit. You can’t fix asshole and karma is a bitch. Karma also has a way of coming full circle. This shit ain’t going away and I will be in the long line to roast marshmellows when his shit goes up in flames. Maybe one day you and I can wash them down with a beer.

  3. Mike,

    good on you, the next time I’m down in Wellington I’ll pay my respects.

  4. I really must travel up from the South Island and ride some of your famous cyclo cross racing Mike, none down here. Hope your shop is going well in this sweet country of ours.

  5. …lot of us didn’t wanna believe that a guy who “came back” from that far down & in doing so, offered such great hope to so many cancer patients & their friends & families could be “on the juice” but while a lotta fingers (like mike anderson’s, frankie a & his wife’s, etc.) have been pointed @ the lance-ster, his battery of lawyers, medical specialists, cronies & ‘hangers on’ have keep the truth nicely concealed…

    …it took, for whatever reason, the indignation of his former teammate & (i’d assume) friend, floyd landis to come out & say “enough’s enough !!!”…question that man’s motive all you like but “the cat is out of the bag”, at least far enough that the cat ain’t going back into the fucking bag at this point & despite the all ’round red faces & huffed up indignation by not just a few bike racers but messrs verbruggen & mcquaid from that august organization, the uci, guys like dr allen lim, messrs bruyneel & armstrong, hopefully messrs carmichael & weisel (if the shit’s gonna hit the fan, you boys need to get in line) this has got to be played out & the truth revealed…

    …this pattern of denial & cover up is such an intrinsic part of the ‘day to day’ of the lead protagonists of the sport that these gentlemen are always looking to be one step ahead of the game…

    …they’re silently saying “you can’t handle the truth” so we’ll keep the reality of this game under wraps but at this time, we the concerned party are saying back at ’em “no, it’s you who can’t handle the truth…it’s time to come clean”

    …i think the lance-sters head is so far up his well kissed ass that he can’t see how positive a message he could send by coming clean…fallout ???…bound to be some but despite the spewed vitriol within the cycling community, i personally think the general public would get over any truthful admissions quickly…

    …if the lance-ster put as much energy into actually trying to clean up the sport as he does trying to hide & deny the truth, he’s “big enough” both within & beyond the sport, that he just might honestly help bring about major change…

    …all that being said, personally, i’m still a fan of the man’s cycling abilities…drugs do not turn a plow horse into a thoroughbred, they enhance both natural ability & the part that can only be achieved by being worked hard for…

  6. …meant to end that little spew w/ “just sayin’…”…but speaking of which…
    …a number of years ago i happened upon out a’ new york city…just checking out the nyc cycling & racing scene at the time…

    …discovered the awesomely cool “as the toto turns”, a cycling comic centered weekly (that’s “weekly” not “weakly”) around the proscuitto manging, highly testosteroned & cut off jersey sleeved wearing italian pro cyclist sali commesso…they manage to lampoon everybody on the scene (levi being referred to as “bottle” by lance ???…that’s subliminally genius) & been following it ever since…

    …but…beyond the “funny side” of cycling, velocity nation has featured some of the most in-depth & intelligent viewpoints regarding the reality of pro cycling that i could imagine…highly suggest perusing both of these articles for a better understanding of what’s up in conjunction w/ mr landis’s revelations…

    …dunno how it do the hookup but if gianni or gnomer would be so kind…thx…

    …enjoy…it’s all worth reading…

    …just sayin’…

  7. …yessir, exact…i apologize for spacing out n’ creating problems…

    …my only other suggestion would be to include those two “http” lines as links the next time a “floyd” article comes up so that people get an idea of just how tangled a web mr armstrong & mr bruyneel are involved in weaving…

    …the overlapping layers of bullshit are truly machiavellian by these gentlemen…

    …while we’re simply being concerned about how drugs affect performance, these guys are way down the road orchestrating drug use as a means to manipulate cycling politics…

    …wouldn’t surprise me should something like ‘berto contador getting popped were to happen during the upcoming “le tour”…just might be ‘his turn’…& honestly, he just might deserve it…

    “know what i mean…wink, wink, nudge, nudge”

  8. Humpty,

    My compliments, that was a masterful display of subtly.

    Sadly, I lack your finesse.

    Cory, go fuck yourself if your tweezers can find it.

    That’s a kiwi you’re talking about