today at work i came across this bike. hey pat, i’d like to solve the puzzle, please.
apparently the factory is still wrestling with the brutal western spelling of schwinn, so to ask them to understand the silent “e” will just take a little more time. Quality control issues that challenging make me think, “fuck it. why not just screw the whole pile of cans together with allen bolts?”
screw this, i’m getting a dirt bike.
It’s okay Snake, it’s a C’dale…you’ll see it again within it’s warranty period.
Is dude running plastic platform pedals on that piece too?
What a bummer. I grew up selling Cannondale bikes in central Pennsylvania. While they had their fair share of issues, due to what I thought was getting really cool ideas on the market a year before they were ready, they were cool bikes. We used to go out to the factory for a yearly tour and then get the DL on the new year’s line of accessories from the rep. Walking through that place was fun and you realized that real people were making bikes. I guess all those real people are keeping it real today while they look for work and collect the gummit cheese. Friggin’ bummer if you ask me. But then again, I guess you didn’t.
hey man, that’s what the comment zone is for. i appreciate your relationship with cannondale and am sorry to hear they’ve bummed you out.
i’m all about brand loyalty, and if you have one that’s been good to you, that’s all the reason you need to keep supporting it. truth is, every major company is going to have some flaws, both big and little. whoever seems to suit your style and preferences is the right one to go with.
oh, and bg_ those are just some test ride peds. an excellent choice for such a high end rig. plastic is light, recyclable, fashionable, and slides well on big curbs.
At least they’re back to only writing the name once on each side of the tube.
Yeah Cannondale was always pushing the limit, made here, coming up with cool bike’s and ideas. They used to make race bikes, road, xc, dh, all of the tec stuff came down from the teams. But now it seems like it is people that are out of touch with what is able to be sold in bike shops. The road bikes are good this year (other than spelling) but the mtn shit is so over priced it is hard to sell. Left’s work great when it get’s serviced and it is not of the 06-08 vintage. I have owned 3 cannondales that have broken that was always taken care of. This seems to be changing and I just don’t feel the same love from them. Cutting cost’s I get, not supporting the long time dealer’s that have a history with selling Cannondales and been putting up with recalls and problem other problems, is bull shit. I have a feeling that Dorel will be pushing GT and Schwinn in our faces soon. I have worked at a Cannondale dealer for over 10 years and owned lots of Cannondales but I’m just not feeling the love any more.
RIP Cannondale.
guess that is the pre walmart sales spelling, gotta have a way to differentiate between the real bike and the wallly world one. questions, pleas reference mongoose
and remember this
I guess it has been along time cuming
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I think the missing “e” is on the back of those Cervelo pro road team jerseys. Is is super large and they tried to class it up euro style with an accent mark.
Whoa, the long-lost Pong bike!! That thing was ahead of it’s time when it was first shown, which must be what, 20 years ago or something? Crazy. That dude had some great ideas. Disc brakes, full susp., an idler pully to avoid chain growth, etc., all stuff that is common these days. Looks like it’s just sorta sitting around in a corner, like a retired old geezer.
the Pong bike should be in the Smithsonian. better yet, the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame
have always referred to them as “cracknfail” – now’s about that dirtbike! I added my dc stickers to my 250xc already. They blend in well with my ArmPump Racing graphics.