This post does not mention the space needle

Volunteer park had a criterium today, and I was there for a good chunk of it. The masters race was awesome. I wish I had pictures to show. I saw some good racing, lots of trainers being ‘ridden’ on the sides – and good family fun. Didn’t get offered a beer though. In total I rode about 20 miles in Seattle today, mostly in sun. Funny things is, the reason I knew about the crit was because of a response to one of my posts on this here blog, What impresses my heart with a blooming love for Seattle is this: There are kids around, and they are out and active. Families run this place. It’s like a great big Montpelier. What gets me good are the sweetest descents and ‘pod-racing’ to be had. From screaming fast passing everybody to baby ring slow steady climbing, like *that*.  Gives you a chance to look around and see things.
Someday, this place will have more moms with trailers and extra-cycles, like Portland. My hope’s not dashed yet. I’ll be out there with my flat bed collecting free wood spreading the meme. U can do eeet!

About littlejar

5 - Learned to ride in paved alley behind liquor store in Lowell. 16 - Road bike riding alone while peers do soccer practice. 18 - First new road bike bought with winnings from Project Graduation. 20 - Burlington VT. Nuff said. 22 - Joined the Air Force. 23 - Joined team Fair Wheel in Tucson - rode the Shootout. 24 - Rode El Tour in under five. 26 - Toured to Quebec City 28 - Toured Oklahoma to Vermont 30 - Found my dream bike - a 1989 58cm LaBan (#22) 32 - Experienced Minneapolis and saw BIKE CULTURE. 34 - Building my first bicycle frame, with a self made jig. USA

11 Replies to “This post does not mention the space needle”

  1. It was a good crit, and yeah, Seattle rocks for the activeness. Makes you think that a lot of the country would be happier if they were a little more active. But that might just be the personal comparison to West Virginia.

  2. Don’t miss the Ballard crit, usually early to mid June. This race includes brick surfaces going by many bars. Also, don’t miss Starcrossed in Redmond in September. And cross season is only 6 months away.
    Also, no cyclist should miss a critical mass ride in mid summer, love it or hate it but at least experience it once.


  3. yo dude. I was the guy that offered the beer. 15th in the 4s, lame, but I did keep an eye out for you. I had to leave at 11:30am…I hope I didn’t just flat miss you…but there were a pair of corked saison duponts to celebrate classics season, and a couple of High Life’s ’cause I don’t know how you roll. In my defense, I was a little focused on trying to find a jacket I misplaced at the end. But. I was totally there. Sorry we didn’t meet up. That’s awesome you came. Glad you’re enjoying the city.

  4. Danimal, well – let’s get together and ride some time. I need to know where the group rides start and when. I need some group bike time again. That’s what I miss.

  5. Rode around lake Sammamish yesterday (and Saturday), lots of cyclists out. Chatted wioth a guy on a brand-spankin-new Look and he was STOKED. Met another guy who said he was on a “team bike” and didn’t know who had manufactured it. “Have a good season,” I said, and dropped him like a rock.

  6. Hey Lug nut, whoever the fuck you are – grow out of 5th grade, would you? Or at least, don’t extend it into your commentary. you don’t know me, I don’t know you, but already I want to punch you in the gut, hard. Sick of your random stupid insults. Come on over.

    Your problem is nothing that getting punched won’t cure.

  7. Don’t sweat this dude Luggo, LJ. It’s the same cat that was firing rounds out of his scorn cannon at Gnome a year or so ago. He’s always using different names too. But it’s the same guy. On balance, he’s harmless. He’s not ever going to be anywhere near you.