It’s Friday

I’m sick. And sore. I have a cough and am all snotty and shit. My doc called in some cough syrup (minus the hydrocodone). It seems to be helping. A little.

So I’ve missed a long ride this week. Was off the bike 3 days. Who really cares? Is it really going to make a difference in the end? I am over it. If I can’t train, I can’t train. I have friends who freak the fuck out if they miss a day. I have no problem laying around on my ass for a day or two. Or three.

Ran myself ragged last weekend and now I am paying for it. The 14 mile trail race took me 3:24 and I got 3rd a/g hardware.

frosty 14 offical

The “CX race” Sunday was on the news. The video can be seen here. I sounded like a dork. Not only was it on Channel 5 news but it was also on Overload? Maybe.

I met the coolest lady at Yoga the other night. She rode to class on an old Trek (way old, early 90’s, I think). It was her commuter bike and on it she had cool monkey electric lights and old tri-bars from the 1980’s. They looked like bullhorns. She said she gave up her car. Rides her bike everywhere. Very cool lady. I’d guess she was in her early 50’s, not sure. She had done an Ironman in 1996 and completed many 24 hour MTB races. I love meeting cool local women like that. I want to be like her when I grow up. I took a picture of her bike but it came out like shit so I can’t post it.

My friend Beth Mason, also on the DC blogroll, has been deployed. She is in Mosul now. Beth is a cat 1 CX racer and besides being a PT, she also does bike fits for a living. Beth helped me out last summer as I struggled with my own bike fit training for Ironman. So I sent her a big package of stuff last week. Beth is cool. I should call her Major Beth, though. She’s up there in the ranks.

I’m pimpin’ out my own blog here for my Dobie rescue. I raise money for them once a year. I promise I won’t go on and on about it but let me warn you – if you have friended me on facebook, you will hear about it. Last year these two women who run NCDR rescued and rehomed 85 dogs. They do great work. I know it’s not related to cycling but I am riding my bike for this charity thing so it is kind of cycling related.

Tires came in. My sponsors are good to me. Riding for Kenda is a trip.

feb bored 008

This is my favorite Pink Floyd song ever. It’s called “Bike”.


Hilarious post on group riding.

Have a great weekend…..

About Judi

Bicycles are my salvation. They are my way of life. If you don't like it, then you can go straight to hell. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

12 Replies to “It’s Friday”

  1. cold and upper respiratory stuff, no bueno. i hope that resolves quick.

    thanks for the beth mason link. i like reading people’s thought on loss and such. her pop started out as a restaurant guy – and still had a good life. there’s hope for me then. i loved how she said she pees multiple times in the night. reminds me of my pre-proscar days.

  2. Don’t feel bad. My job’s been shut down for three weeks. Only biking I’ve been getting done (between the hellacious winter storms) is grocery runs and beer runs. Yay for studded tires. Weighed my fat ass today and I’m up about eight pounds, so the axe, as they say, will fall.

    Car free? I wish. But the job (if it ever starts back up) is way the fuck down the road and the busses don’t run out here. But I do what I can. Axiom Dutch Shopping Panniers on the Crosscheck, and I fill ’em to the gunnells.

    About the Dobies-Sweetest dogs ever, the ones I’ve personally known. Same for Rotties and bull terriers. Like any relationship, I suppose. You get what you give. And don’t sweat the O.T.; I really can’t think of a topic that HASEN’T been discussed here. Besides, bikes keep you sane. Dogs, too. Beer even, but I digress.

    Feel better, kid, and tell the Major to stay safe. I’ll pray for her.

  3. Keep an eye on that cold…if you don’t get better in a week or so, I’d give that doc a call back and get a z-pack and some steroids. I had it for a month and a half…could NOT shake it…it killed my winter training…I’m doing two-a-days a couple days per week to try and get some back.

    Remembered after the fact last weekend that you were doing that race in the snow and was going to recommend Yax Trax…but I see you’ve already got them! Nice work…runnin in the snow ain’t no picnic fo sho’.

  4. Holy shit those kids were pickin off cross riders like sitting ducks! I had to laugh at the snowball attacks.

    Re: Floyd… they just don’t make em like they used to.

  5. That group ride rant was good, but he missed my pet peeve: the asshat riding about third wheel, who sits up, takes both hands off the bars to take off his wind shell.

    I’m sure you’ve got good balance pal, but one of these days, you’re going to feed a sleeve into your front brake and bring two or three guys down with you. Asshat. Go to the back to do that, or if you insist on doing it where everyone can see how cool you are, ride along side.