Start buggin’ em. Or nothing’s gonna change.

Message to DSHS (Social and Health Services): State aid provides a GAS VOUCHER in this state, and I do not question the helpfulness and inherent goodness of the voucher grant – however, since some of us use a bicycle as primary or only transportation, why not give an OPTION of a gas voucher or a bicycle tire voucher, or new parts of any kind voucher. This will support bicycle shops which are struggling small businesses along with supporting our almighty gasoline station. This change won’t help *me* a bit. My bicycle is perfect. I’m not writing this out of any self interest. It will, however, help the homeless guy who desperately needs new tires, or the mom who needs her bike to get to work and her chain and cassette are so heavily worn. It will help thousands who are on bicycles instead of driving cars. These people don’t need a coupon to buy gasoline. I’m not asking for a sweeping radical change in this proposal, just some fairness, an inkling of ‘green initiative’ and to give people the option, in a small way, to choose affordable, responsible means of getting around while ‘looking for a job’ If you agree with this, then do something to make it happen. I only have the power to make suggestions. I cannot change policy.

About littlejar

5 - Learned to ride in paved alley behind liquor store in Lowell. 16 - Road bike riding alone while peers do soccer practice. 18 - First new road bike bought with winnings from Project Graduation. 20 - Burlington VT. Nuff said. 22 - Joined the Air Force. 23 - Joined team Fair Wheel in Tucson - rode the Shootout. 24 - Rode El Tour in under five. 26 - Toured to Quebec City 28 - Toured Oklahoma to Vermont 30 - Found my dream bike - a 1989 58cm LaBan (#22) 32 - Experienced Minneapolis and saw BIKE CULTURE. 34 - Building my first bicycle frame, with a self made jig. USA

26 Replies to “Start buggin’ em. Or nothing’s gonna change.”

  1. Hold on a minute. This is a nice idea. BUT. Why does the government give gasoline vouchers? Because they have their hands way down deep in the pockets of the oil industry. Keep your dirty hands off of my bicycles, and out of the pockets of the bicycle industry. Thanks.

  2. You fucking purist, out of touch with reality:

    Your statement makes no sense. You might be more drunk than me right now. The government doesn’t have hands in the pockets of oil companies, it’s the other way around. There is no way that a social services voucher for bike parts, as an option instead of a gasoline voucher, will taint your kingdom.

    What is the point of what you are saying? I’m talking about the Democrat backed Social Services for the poor: Food stamps, medical care, and ‘job training’ – including a GASOLINE voucher for going around looking for a job. Granted – it is totally insane that the poorest communities don’t ride bicycles, and drive shit-box cars, while the wealthier communities ride bikes by choice, the reality is – there is no incentive for poor people to ride a bicycle unless they are so poor that they are on bikes.

    In that case, they usually buy a bike that desperately needs some new parts. Tires, chain, and cables are the usual thing. My suggestion, if implemented, would give people seeking public assistance the option of a gasoline voucher or a bike shop voucher. Why on Earth do you think this is dirty money, tainting the holy world of your purist bicycle infrastructure?

    Public money, to help in people’s futile ‘job search’: Go to gas pumps or go to bike shops… sounds like a no-brainer to me.

  3. littlejar,

    actually, the gov has it’s hands deep into the pockets of the oil companies. they tax the hell out of them with tax vehicles like windfall profits taxes that started back in the 80’s, etc… then how about all the taxes that you pay at the pump… most of which are supposed to go to transportation funding… to build more roads, for more cars, for more fuel, for more taxes, for more roads, for more cars, for more fuel, for more taxes…


  4. I dig. It certainly does sound like a better option to give people a bike voucher rather than a fuel voucher. You said it yourself there with that second post. I’m sure you are aware of the recent BS in Pennsylvania where they are proposing the bike tax nonsense already. You’re damn right I would pay a tax to build roads that promote cycling infrastructure and whatnot. But it’s not here. There are no bike lanes in my town. And they are not coming to this hick ass part of the country.

    Better yet just leave me alone. I make it to work everyday just fine on my bike. I don’t need a car. I don’t need any ‘vouchers’ to make it there. I wake my ass up and I go to work so the bills get paid. I maybe even make a little extra to buy a bike part every now and then to put a smile on my face. I deal. Everyone else needs to learn how to do it too.

  5. I don’t know why you think that my activism is something to find fault with. I don’t need bike part vouchers either. I’m not speaking for me, or for you. You see, there’s already a whole lot of people who depend on the system to get by. They need it one way or the other. The fact that it doesn’t encourage people to get on bicycles is the problem. The deference to this idea that we *need* a car is pressed forward more by this phenomenon. So taxes at the pump go to the government – sure, that’s not the issue that I brought up with my post. Why not just say “Sure, I’ll write an email to my state’s social services, and see what they say.” Worth a try, and if you don’t think so, fine. But, if you are a cyclist, and you find my suggestion invalid, then you must be fucking crazy.

  6. Somehow, I’m not surprised to find people here on DC who would claim they wouldn’t want cycling-related handouts.

    Get over yourselves. Your pride looks childish. The government is not a huge monster that wants to rape your ass and steal your bike in the middle of the night.

  7. …why, now, son…surely you’re jesting right ???…that’s good though, a voucher for bike parts instead of gas !!!…bwahahaha…damn, that’s rich…you do know this is america right ???…ha, ha, ha…hey, right back at ya, eh ???…why, that’s tantamount to giving “those people” drugs or alcohol…shitfire, son, they’d be selling those parts for that shit anyway, right ???…they just wanna get high n’ sit around on street corners & fuck it all up for us hard workin’ real americans…

    …ya…them “poor folks” ain’t like you n’ me, boy…they’s all nothin’ but trouble…

    …say…you’re not that robin williams comedian fella, are ya ???…that’s some funny shit…

  8. BGW…where do I buy one of those keyboards with a “Sarchasm Lock” button? I been needin’ one for a while…

  9. What about the guy with the lawnmower engine on his rack, think of him. Lol

    No honestly I hate that guy smelling up the shop with his horrible little contraption.

    But I think this is a great idea. Anything to help get people on bikes and keep them riding is better than something to help sustain the gas economy.

  10. …sommerfliesby…

    …believe me that “sarcasm lock” button comes w/ a second qualifying “caveat emptor” button which i use to try n’ get back out of the trouble i create w/ the first one…

    …just sayin’

  11. No, there was a guy who used to buzz by the shop on a mountain bike with a lawnmower engine on it.
    Every once in awhile he’d come in for a tube change and you’d be soaked in gasoline by the time you were done and it took 2 days to air out the shop.

    And the thing billowed black smoke. Probably better for the enviroment just to drive a car than a 2 stroke oil/gas burner.

  12. Funny how the conversation changes way off of the original subject. Now we’re talking about those ridiculous gasoline powered ‘bicycles’ – which should be outlawed. 200 mpg doesn’t mean shit when your rig weighs 1/50 of something that gets 30mpg. If they were efficient, they’d get 1000 mpg or more. If I had a bike shop, I’d not let anyone bring a chainsaw engine attached to a bike into the building. Period. If you’ve figured out how to strap an engine to your bike, you better know how to change the tube your damn self.

    It’s just ridiculous that they exist in the first place.

  13. Rhys,

    The government is a a huge monster that wants to rape your ass and steal your bike in the middle of the night. And if you go to work and pay taxes you, deep in your heart, know this.

    The government is a bureaucracy, and can’t act as anything less than an ass-fucking bike stealer. Thats what people in government do, and their job is to be able to come back and do it again tomorrow.

  14. 3rd place takes 1st place.

    I never understood why someone would want to ruin a perfectly good bicycle by strapping a motor to it.

  15. Jesus. The moronicity is fumigating this place. Why the fuck does anyone want to get fat? You answer that, and you can stfu with this stupid purist bullshit. You lazy mother fuckers.

  16. “The government is a a huge monster”

    Rhys— absolutely wrong. If you hate government, move to Haiti, Somalia or Madagascar. You’ll be missing the U.S. Federal Government in about two days.

    The U.S. government is the biggest and strongest on earth. We lead the way in many, if not most fields. (Health care being the obvious, topical exception.) Our government does it better than any other, and our nation’s supremacy shows that. So get the fuck over it, shut up and pay your taxes, moron.

    PS— my family’s tax burden runs to around $30,000 per year. I pay it gladly.

  17. “If you hate government, move to Haiti, Somalia or Madagascar. You’ll be missing the U.S. Federal Government in about two days.”

    Sure. Picking out the average Third World shit-hole would make your argument OK.

    But how many days would it take for me to miss the good ol’ US of A if I moved to….say…France, Canada, Kangaroo-Land or whatever ?

    And to those Down Under, take a pill. I only called it Kangaroo-Land because I’m too drunk to spell Australia.

    And that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

  18. “Sure. Picking out the average Third World shit-hole would make your argument OK.
    But how many days would it take for me to miss the good ol’ US of A if I moved to….say…France, Canada, Kangaroo-Land or whatever ?”

    Colonel— I chose example countries which enjoy a lack of big, evil government. My point stands.

    As for your rhetorical question, you tell me. I usually last about a week.

    The fact is, strong regulation and The Rule of Law make this (and other “first world” industrialized democracies) the best places to live on earth. People who rail blindly against the government are morons. Some of them might be happier, or at least less moronic, living in Haiti.

  19. Well then I guess the problem is that I provide healthcare in America. What a fuck hole of perverse incentive to not improve health. And “not for profit”. What the fuck does that mean in modern winner take all America?

    Social and Health services ‘gas voucher’ WTF.

    Democrats, Republifucks just another person making self serving /enriching rules with little interest in making things better for the country.

    Arnold can’t govern the failed state of California, Palin won’t govern a family let alone a city or state awash in federal money (tax dollars). I’m good with the black gentleman.

    Just a squirrel (loved that image out for a bike ride, away from traffic.

  20. Quotin’ the Gnome:
    Jesus. The moronicity is fumigating this place. Why the fuck does anyone want to get fat? You answer that, and you can stfu with this stupid purist bullshit. You lazy mother fuckers.
    Who said they wanna get fat? Are you seriously defending gasoline powered bikes as a way to not get fat? Or that people will be less likely to get fat if they attach a fumigating engine to their bike?
    Or are you saying we’re lazy because we don’t take the time to attach a motor to our bikes?

    Or am I reading this wrong. i’m seriously confused at this point.

  21. Sometimes I just go tangental like my name was Suess.

    People are lazy by nature. Homeostasis is a fine leather recliner, diabetes and a remote. Thus, it’s no surprise when a motor is strapped to a bike. Thus, when it is regarded as sacrilege, I find nothing by hypocrisy in that assumption because everyone of us steps out of a car door nearly every day.

  22. People are lazy for a period of time buy nature but eventually they need to change it up a bit. If there like most of us a little exercise and discipline will make them happier. Works great with dogs also

    The recreational use of the automobile like most wrongs can be linked to misguided government; bike stealing ass-fucking government incentives, for instance social and health services “gas voucher”.

  23. Oh, and the other absurdity I recognized, was that of all the traffic jams and cars and cars and cars in the world that are the problem, ya’ll get all hater on a dude that straps a motor to a bike. I mean, fo reelz.