Just got this from the guys at bicycleradio… they are doing a post-show tribute to doug roether. they want people to call in or send emails with their stories about doug .. pretty cool way to celebrate him — see my home-grown cut-and-paste of their press release below…because i am too lame to make it look good (cue the gnome-clean-up-crew..)
monday call in numbers –
Sean Mellor
Bicycle Radio
BicycleRadio (at) gmail.com
Bicycle Radio to host Post-Show tribute to Doug Roether.
Mesa, Arizona. September 11th, 2009 — Bicycle Radio is going to do something a little different following their live internet show on Monday, September 14.“We’re going to host our normal ‘Escape the Peloton’ show just like always,” said Producer, Larry Hendon, “but after our show, this Monday, the celebration begins. Celebrating the life of a good friend to us here at Bicycle Radio and a good friend to thousands of cyclists here in Arizona.”
That “good friend” Hendon is referring to is Doug Roether, who passed away Tuesday. Roether was a long time Sales Rep for companies such as KHS Bicycles and Reynolds Wheels.
“We’re going to leave our live stream running and leave all the mics open and just have a little Wake, I’d guess you’d say,”said, Sean Mellor, Host of Bicycle Radio’s “Escape the Peloton”. “We’re just going to share stories and talk about a friend, basically.”
“We realize that, obviously, our listeners outside the state of Arizona and in other countries, never had the privilege of knowing Doug the way we did out here in Arizona,” said Hendon,” but everyone’s more than welcome to stick around after the show with us.”
“It’s the least we can do for Doug” added Mellor.
About Doug Roether
Doug was diagnosed with Squamis cell cancer of the throat and neck in February. On September 8, 2009, Doug passed away. But as his last journal entry says, “This is not good bye…I’m just going for the long ride.”About Bicycle Radio
Bicycle Radio hosts “Escape the Peloton” live every Monday at 7pm on BicycleRadio.com. With a mixture in unique insights and humor, their one-hour show has included guests such as Levi Leipheimer, Davis and Taylor Phinney, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. They recently became the most popular outdoor sports show on iTunes.