I got behind a big ass full size with a bad ass bowtie this morning on my way down toward campus on the 101. His bumper sticker said “McCain – MILF 2008”

I nearly spilled my coffee right then and there. What is it with these guys and their big ass stupid trucks?
Hello. I was reading someone elses blog and saw you on their blogroll. Would you be interested in exchanging blog roll links? If so, feel free to email me.
…i’d sport one a’ those if it said mcsame / milf ’08…
I saw one on a BMW in Newport Beach CA that said G.I. Joe/Super Woman
the one I want is Manopaws/Eva Destruction
maybe it was wonder woman. my bad
You know, I’ve actually met guys who plan to vote Repmocrat because they think Ms. Palin is hott. Yeesh.
I guess I was ahead of my time when I advocated for the Paris Hilton/Courtney Love ticket in 2004.
How about “That one, in 08”
To quote Larry The Cable Guy. “I don’t care who you are, that’s funny.” Speaking of quotes the more I think about this election the more I’m reminded of something Charles Bukowski said about Nixon-Humphry in ’68 (not sure if I have it right) “Like having to choose between a bowl of warm shit or cold” Can’t we just for once get a president who understands and believes in all ten of the bill of rights.
Aw, that’s a nice thought.
The answer is no.
we all know why some drive big ass trucks..
…bowl o’ dick…“the one I want is Manopaws/Eva Destruction“…that’s good…i like it…
…after reading this quote on yahoo’s election reporting::: “Top-level McCain campaign officials have referred to Palin in recent days as a “rogue,” “diva,” and even a “whackjob,” according to CBS 5’s partner The Politico.”…
…so personally i’m gonna go w/ “geezer / whackjob ’08“…
…i’d love to hear how our wonderfully eloquent friends bob & smarter thanyou might try & justify a candidate so desperate to win, so disingenuous in his moves, that w/ little research or vetting, he’d choose a running mate that would within a matter of weeks be considered so “rogue” as to be referred to as a “whackjob” by those same “Top-level McCain campaign officials”…that alone makes a strong statement about john mccain’s personal decision making skills & those of his advisers…
…if that’s the judgment that mccains experience brings, then it’s time to chose a relatively inexperienced man like obama who thinks on his feet & seeks advice from intelligent sources…
…just fucking sayin’…
Alec Baldwin was just on Letterman, he called them “John McBush and Bible Spice”.
DMPLBITT- pronounced “dimple bit”- Does My Penis Look Bigger In This Truck?
Mikey, Let me dream, can’t I. I’m voting Libertarian.
All you fucks who vote straight party are a waste of the right. Anyone who votes party line or dubs themselves straight repub etc. is a moronic douche. Move to fucking Mexico biyatches
Bible Spice. That’s funny.