Cross under a full moon, and a little bit of Uranus peeking through. Note how the rider is on the opposite side of the course.
Taking a moment away from examining his right big toe to watch the cross race. or maybe Lacking reflective panels used by pro photogs to get additional light, a big bald head still makes a shitty substitute.
5 seconds later someone slapped my ass. i know it was not trebon…just hoping it was lance. i’ll never wash that cheek again…
Cross under a full moon, and a little bit of Uranus peeking through.
Note how the rider is on the opposite side of the course.
This ignarf will get me on for sure!
Look I got a dollar in my ass.
Or the grils at the strip club thought this was hot.
I swear I had a bike when I started.
Taking a moment away from examining his right big toe to watch the cross race.
or maybe
Lacking reflective panels used by pro photogs to get additional light, a big bald head still makes a shitty substitute.
What happens at Cross Vegas…..goes on DC.
So….Tell us what you really think about cyclocross.
…“all this is yours, if you’ll just say ya love me”…
Anyone have a gerbil extractor?
man gives himself the shocker! ohh my poor big toe! LOL
Has anyone seen my rutabaga?
Can’t wait for the riders in skirts to get here.
Geesh! Joe the plumber is everywhere!
bike parking $1.
5 seconds later someone slapped my ass. i know it was not trebon…just hoping it was lance. i’ll never wash that cheek again…
Hole Shot
did sommer-flies-by up there??
sommerfliesby … is that you?
Wait! I dropped a contact!
(dis)mounting obstacle
taking the red eye
Old BB King joke punch line. “Who’s Bob?”
” Larry misunderstood the term ‘pit bike'”
so much for the red-eye reduction setting…