About bikepunk

“Cuts, scrapes, bruises… all in a day’s riding. Then it’s off for some good german beer in a local biergarten.” Munich, Germany

62 Replies to “From the bored keyboards of ‘Liberal Elites’…”

  1. Educated you say? Perhaps you start with the a definition of the founding ideology of Socialism and compare and contrast it with McCain/Palin’s given our current socio-economic developments as they apply to governing …. as opposed to throwing out a label you know nothing about I mean….

    Funny thing some need a “them” to define your “self”. With the sound reasoning process of ‘They are bad therefore I am good.’ I love the fact that McCain seems to know more about the other guy than he does himself. Funnier that Papsm3r attacks the person because he knows nothing about the process….

    A big bowl to you MY FRIEND

  2. Jeezus…and you guys give ME a hard time! I actually agree with you on some stuff!

  3. hello again el jefe. It is unfortunate that you will not go, “tit for tat” with me on some of these issues because I really would like to understand better why you think Obama will be better for you. You point to the 130+ bills that he has sponsored/co-sponsored but do you know how many have actually become law. As far as I know only one of the bills that he was the original sponsor of has become law. In regards to Palin’s comments, obviously that was a big mistake on her part. The reality is though, that scientific research will continue the way it has with or without her as VP, She will help to raise more awareness about autism, that will be her contribution. The Alaska Permanent Fund was created in 1976 so its a moot point. You have still left the big questions unanswered. What is it that Obama has done to be qualified as a candidate for the Presidency? What is he going to do for you, a scientist? Do you support “spreading the wealth?” You have said many times that you support his policies but I wonder if you can specify any. (by the way you it seems you may be running out of expletives to direct at me and republicans in general so here is a website that has a list of them http://www.noswearing.com/dictionary)

  4. God help this country if McBush gets in. His running mate is a fuckin lush who “Thinks” she know it all and will help the Obama campain by being the idiot she is. Being a governer and mayor of a tiny tiny city does NOT make her a quaalified running mate

  5. …it’s all up to you, el jefe…

    …i guess i’m not ‘linear’ enough for bob because ol’ bob only wants to discuss individual issues w/ you alone…

    …bob, if you happen to inadvertently read this, you might note that the worst thing i called you was a “fucking world class clown” & it was w/ a particular intent while relating to some of the attitude you were projecting…

    …& while i didn’t deal w/ specific policy issues, after rereading points i brought up, i feel in retrospect that i intelligently queried you about valid aspects of the candidates involved…

    …admit it…you don’t like dealing w/ issues that you don’t have a patented answer for & i personally believe that you don’t like thinking outside the box…it makes you uncomfortable…pretty much like the candidate you endorse…“maverick” bullshit, aside…

    …one of the great values of the young & relatively inexperienced barack obama is that he understands that at times, he has to think on his feet & that at other times his counsel w/ well chosen advisers will provide the answers & direction needed…& if there is an insinuation that the same could be said about mccains v.p. candidate, then someone hasn’t been paying attention…there is no comparison…

    …step outside the box, bob…go back & answer some of my questions or address certain points…show us how legitimate you really are…if you honestly believe in your candidate…

  6. Has anyone actually looked at what happened to our economy is a CAUSE EFFECT type relationship?

    Our economy and national debt are the result of two things… please take note.

    Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac/failing mortgage/credit market for one, and the large military budget for two.

    The nation is reeling as people who should not have been given credit have defaulted on their mortgages. These mortgages have been, by and large, caused by people who want the American dream but just can’t afford it… mainly because of their OWN shortcomings in the self-control department. Regardless of that, the institutions that GAVE the loans are partially to blame. Then, the effect of “hey I got a house now that gives me better credit” takes hold and these ‘credit risks’ are now given MORE credit in the form of home equity loans and credit cards. THIS IS AN EFFECT! We will identify the cause shortly.

    Bush’s military budgets have been very large including pay raises that are still increasing in an attempt to create equality between the military and the private sector. The military still does not get paid anywhere near an equivalent salary to a civilian, but Bush has shrunk the margin considerable. Additionally, Bush’s military spending is a result of an ongoing conflict. (I will digress for a short- the fact that we have kept the terrorists occupied IN the middle east has prevented them from having the time and resources to make another mainland attack in America. This is a statement that is an opinion, but makes completely logical sense.) Bush’s military spending is another EFFECT.

    The cause? CLINTON!!!! Sure he was a schmoozer and kept our hearts on edge with the various scandals of his tenure. And of course everyone was happy when “HOME SALES” were incredibly high and everyone was receiving credit to bolster the economy. You know what homes were being sold? The ones that are defaulted now. During the Clinton-era the military sought parity in its pay with the civilian sector, but it did not happen. In fact the military was continually downsized! Do you know what happened to all that credit that made the Clinton-era so economically exciting? It is now defunct, and America has been defrauded out if its prosperity.

    YES, it all happened on Bush’s watch!!!! But, Clinton was the one who perpetrated this atrocity on America. He left a big stinking pile of poop under Bush’s bed.

    I guess we can thank Barack Obama for defeating Hilary. We all need to remember the principle of cause and effect.

    I am truly scared of the effects of this election.

  7. Funny post, seen it a million times though…

    But omg…you guys actually give ad space to Suicide Girls?

    The people who run that are literal pieces of rubbish who rip off artists and girls alike with neo-nazi contracts.

    I’d quietly bow out of it and let them know you don’t really need their money.

  8. COME ON! Someone throw some more red meat in there! This can’t be over! Yer bunch of animals! Wanna survive? Get together! Barack is in. He will be your president. Judge him but judge him fairly for what he does. Until that time do not be his enemy cause by doing that you become the enemy of the United States of America. If you think where we are and where we are going as a nation is a good thing..you are out voted. Swallow it and give this a chance or you are not an American. It’s time for America first. If you don’t like the job that he did 4 years from now then fire him. But at least give him a chance or you are just fouling your nest.