“If I don’t get my way, I’m gonna hold my breath and tell Uncle Dick and then you’ll r-e-a-l-l-y be in trouble.”
This just in. hot off the presses. this is 4 real. http://www.howtoavoidthebummerlife.com/weblog/archives/Communist-Obama-33751.jpg
We’re all holding our breath til Nov.4 (please let common sense prevail)
i cant tell if its a shart or not, better not let it go
The pres tries to hold the bong hit in until it is time to give his speech.
This one’s gonna be hot. And stinky. I hope it’s not loud…
Eight years as Cheney’s monkey boy takes it’s toll.
Oh, that Ahmadinejad makes me so mad!
I’m going to huff and puff and blooooowwww yer house down.
“If I don’t get my way, I’m gonna hold my breath and tell
Uncle Dick and then you’ll r-e-a-l-l-y be in trouble.”
Look at my mouth sideways…What’s that look like?!
Corporate Cum Guzzling World Champ.
Choking on a bucket of dicks.
Daddy, daddy !! Georgie-boy done poo-poo !!!!
He’s finally so totally full of sh*t that he’s about to blow
Helen Thomas just gave 43 the up-the-skirt-view she’s been waiting to deliver for 7.5 years.
Dump America!
Stupid Iraqi food, reminds me why I wanted to steal their oil.
“Hey look, ‘Merica, I’m Big Jonny!”
Courious George takes a look at polocy and is very concerned the others will know he can’t read.
Bloated on Fast Food Politics
“oh that’s a good job you’re doing under the podium my little sommerfliesby boy”
“Even I can’t swallow this shit.”
Watch out, he is about to New-cue-lar!
This is why they call Peter North the “Load Man”….
This just in. hot off the presses. this is 4 real.
“Should I spit or swallow?”
“and this is what an elephant sounds like”
god,cheney’s dick up my ass is starting to hurt
World’s shortest word: