The end of an era…

I find this quite sad.

After months of accusations of political bias and simmering animosity between MSNBC and its parent network NBC, the channel decided over the weekend that the NBC News correspondent and MSNBC host David Gregory would anchor news coverage of the coming debates and election night. Mr. Olbermann and Mr. Matthews will remain as analysts during the coverage.

With the death of top-dog Tim Russert, MSNBC is rudderless in the sea of nightly newscasts. Russert left behind him a void that may prove impossible to fill… But this is their answer?

While I may not always agree with either Mr. Olbermann or Mr. Matthews (or any of the other regulars suspects over at MSNBC) I found them to be far and away the most palatable of the other boob tube offerings.

Those were the days…

In January, Mr. Olbermann and Mr. Matthews, the host of “Hardball,” began co-anchoring primary night coverage, drawing an audience that enjoyed the pair’s “SportsCenter”-style show.

Did it seem like Sports Center? Yeah, it did. And what, exactly, is wrong with that? Aside from the alleged “opinion” of those raucous RNC chanting ditto heads… And I say alleged because I am proposing such folk have no opinion of their own – they sit, jump and clap when instructed. Nothing more, noting less.

When the vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin lamented media bias during her speech, attendees of the Republican convention loudly chanted “NBC.”

Are you fucking me?

I would argue, and I am arguing, that networks like Fox are so far to the right, and I mean totally, completely 100% way out there right field, that any other networks attempt at left leaning commentary could only, at best, hope to bring the national dialogue to the center.


MSNBC is barely, and I mean barely, bringing a leftist slant to anything. I know Leftist. And they aren’t even in the same zip code as MSNBC. Now, Fox on the other hand… I know the Right too. And they absolutely adore Fox news. They eat that shit up with a spoon. And it is inarguably nothing more than a rote regurgitation of Republican talking points. Nothing more. Scott McClellan has admitted as much in his book.

It is the end of an era…

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

8 Replies to “The end of an era…”

  1. …i fully concur…

    keith olbermann & chris matthews are two of the only guys to even make some of this stuff palatable…

    …this is a sad fucking day for any & all of the “news networks” when something as straight up as the olbermann/matthews coverage gets pulled for what will probably now be “we drank the kool-ade” reporting from nbc news & msnbc

    fox is so far to the right, i’m surprised the political machine hasn’t fallen on it’s side…

  2. Sad? More like disturbing…. wtf, we can NOT let the “right” win again no matter the odds

  3. …onegear29…ok, let’s use” sad, disturbing & pathetic” because it truly is…

    …& ditto on the rest of your comment…

  4. “I know Leftist”…. I’m with ya there. As an old school lefty(and after 30 years of drifting rightward, I’m still so “far left” I’m off most people’s map),it just boggles my mind when people complain about the “liberal media” or “leftist NBC”……Whaaaa?????.Damn, where’s that leave me? Oh yeah, that old Ramones song,”I’m an outsider,outside of everything.”