Mid week hump for my first week with no job. And I ain’t complaining. From where I’m sitting, shit is tight.
The Tour kicks off in three days I and don’t give a fuck. I don’t even know what the money is saying this year. Can I bet on who gets yarded the day before?
How ’bout who gets the boot mid race?
That’s where the action is. We all know it’s coming, it’s a matter of when, where and who.
Armstrong talks Tour over at cyclingnews. Part one and two for your reading pleasure. Nice softball questions too.
Almost a year later, and what has changed?
Pro Cycling Backpedaling Fast
By Bill Schneider, 8-16-07Two weeks ago, I posted my reactions to the 2007 Tour de France, including as much encouragement as I could offer for the sponsors to stay with the sport as it aggressively cleans itself up from doping scandals. Then, eight days later, the bottom fell out. America’s team, sponsored by the Discovery Channel, imploded.
True, Discovery Channel had already given notice in February that it wouldn’t renew its sponsorship, but cycling fans like me hoped the spectacular showing in this year’s race (first, and third place, best young rider, and the coveted team championship) might sway Disco to re-consider, but no. Even by winning the Yellow Jersey without Lance Armstrong on board wasn’t enough.
Worse, the actual owner of the team, Tailwind Sports, the most successful cycling team in the world (winning Le Tour 8 out of the last 10 years) couldn’t find a replacement sponsor and decided to disband, leaving the sport behind.
Can pro cycling’s rapid descent be stopped?
Read the rest: www.newwest.net
No answer to that one yet.
In case you’re wondering, Philadelphia is insane.
Police say potato chips were apparently so tasty they were good enough to die for.
Homicide detectives say an argument that evolved around the few remaining potato chips in a bag turned deadly around 4:30am Sunday.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any weirder:
…Police say the assailant fled with the chips and remains at large.
Read the rest: www.kyw1060.com
Our boy Snakehawk is up to no good. And by “no good” I pretty much mean “damn good”.
Today I’m shipping work off to Chicago to participate in 2 separate group shows. The first show is at a gallery called Lotus Keep, and it’s a tribute to fallen Wu-Tang Swordsman, Ol Dirt McGirt. ODB. Big Baby Jesus. Osirus. Whatever you wanna call him. Dude lived a hard, fast, crazy life. His rap sheet down at the station was longer than a suburban graduation ceremony, and he went out in a rough way. He was animated as hell, and all kinds of a character, but when i sat down to memorialize him, i couldn’t help but think of how messed up he must have been, and seemingly a bit disturbed. Anyway, I thought an cut-apart tall-boy paper bag was kind of metaphoric.

Check out where else is poppin: snakehawk.blogspot.com
I’ll leave you out with this video link someone sent me. Spain just took the big win, so it seems an appropriate time as any.
Zidane Vs. Ronaldinho
I know nearly nothing about soccer, save these two guys are a little long in the tooth and that they are magicians with the foot work.
Yo Jonny, you on vacation or actually unemployed? I wouldn’t be that surprised if it’s the latter based on how bad the elephants have f%#@ke$ up the economy the past 8 years. Hope things are well!
last year one job went away right before the tour started, and another came when it was done.
In the middle I watched the whole thing for once, while getting the new gig together.
View the tour like the election BS, first rate spectacle devoid of content.
All the world’s important contests are fixed, anyway.
I dream of giglessness,..please god don’t make me go back to the grey capeted box and fix things for the mean people…..
I should be able to drink in the morning and ride in the afternoon.
can’t wait for the day off.
Welcome to my world, BJ.
Welcome to the land of the ‘double-digit’ rule, where beer is allowed once it hits 10 am.
Welcome to the land of underpants till noon and thereafter if needed.
Welcome to riding all day if you can, or lounging on the couch with whatever pet you have.
Feels nice, don’t it?
“Police say potato chips were apparently so tasty they were good enough to die for.”
I won’t say it’s work dying for but Flying Dog Imperial Porter is certainly worth take a serious risk for.
No, I don’t work for them, I just love them. Besides, their bottle caps make great bar end caps.
Step into my office.
You’re FIRED!
Bicyclist Charged with DUI