Putting the drunk back in drunk cyclist

Just back from Tucson, most of the day up in the car dropping ass and putting down hatoraid. God it feels good to be a king.

BGR takes a fine third place in single speed solo. Fifteen laps. Kid rocked that podium spot

Flagstaffist came in with eight laps geared solo in his first venture. Last couple of years he’s been messing with the Arizona road series and hadn’t done the Old Pueblo before. He had a great time and I hope he tries it again.

The DC squad I (read: boat anchor) was part of came in twenty fucking third. Damn. I did one (1) lap and started in on Plan B – John Daley style: Grip it and rip it.

The second DC squad, sharing a name with this pearl dropping post, came in 27th.

Coming to the Old Pueblo a little under form (read: a lot) and trying to off_the_couch a mountain bike event is not something I’d recommend. Oddly enough, the same routine at El Tour worked out swimmingly.

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

3 Replies to “Putting the drunk back in drunk cyclist”

  1. Dude, give a prop to Lauren Frisk of your unofficial sister-site tucsonbikelawyer.com, riding for Team El Grupo, which got first place in 5-person co-ed (0-149 combined age)!

    I am currently taking 100 percent of the credit for her team’s stellar performance. (I mean come on, I did give her the day off on Friday and everything.)

    She also got a complementary glass of 16 year-old scotch at the office this evening when she brought the news of her enemies’ humiliating defeat.

    Although truthfully, the stuff flows pretty freely over here win or lose.

  2. Kudos to Jonny for all his support during the weekend. Like the time he…

    huh? was i saying something?

    Oh yeah: Buy more DC shit. Then there’ll be more of this kind of thing.

    Somebody get J a scepter and crown. He’s king at these events, regardless of what his lap times say. Which weren’t half bad, by my standards, anyway.

  3. hey Flagstaffist — jonny’s second lap on the results board was actually done by some asshole on an Xtracycle. With some body paint.

    OK, OK, it was me…someone told me i looked like a gay wrestler with those bibs on….whatever….