Coulter goes Hillary. Jonny reaches for another beer.

Ya’ll have already seen this, or at least heard about it, I’m sure. Shit is days old, and already stinking to high heaven. We’re not exactly a cutting edge “news” site” here, are we?

Well, no. But, still, in spite of all that, I have to say, Ann Coulter is stone cold crazy. And, well, emaciated.

We all knew Hillary played “hard” when she voted to authorize the “use of force” in Iraq, but a Coulter endorsement? Who saw that coming? Has the world gone crazy?

Maybe Ann needs to change her meds.

That vid pains me deeply. Any time have to listen to that blowhard Sean Hannity speak three words it takes a year off my life. Even if he’s confused as hell when his rock-solid “conservative” (read: crazy as a shithouse rat) guest Ann Coulter goes Postal all over the place. Doesn’t make up for the fact he’s breathing my oxygen on this planet.

And don’t even get me started on Alan Colmes. I’ve got chunks of guys like him in my stool. He might as well be a fucking bird bath up there next to Hannity, all the good he does us Liberals. And, yes, I put that in caps. Because it matters.



About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

20 Replies to “Coulter goes Hillary. Jonny reaches for another beer.”

  1. As someone who gets to vote this Tuesday in the California primary I still have no clue as to who or what to fucking vote for. As an independent I can vote in either primary and I just don’t know where to throw the vote.

  2. At first blush I think…Crazy, Cats and dogs sleeping together…. Then I realize Anne Cooulter is all about shock value. What else could she possibly say that would make such a splash. She is all about keeping herself in the spotlight. Just look at the google adds to your left. She says bathsit crazy stuff. We talk about her, she makes money.

    That said, she has a point. I’ve had a couple of conversations with folks that think that the CLintons arre more able to restore dignity to US foriegn policy after the toxicity of the bush years. While I do agree with that on some level, I am not ready to accept their Conservative corporate based domestic economc policy. Lets fix the mess at home first.

    KG I am curious if you are leaning towards huckleberry or Paul? ;-)

  3. KG – You should be glad you get to vote in any primary. I am an independent here in AZ and we can’t vote in the primary elections. Or I should say (as I was thoroughly corrected at the county building the other day), the “preferential” election. We have to wait for the general election.

    Coulter not only needs to change her meds, she should triple the dosage. Maybe eat some fucking bacon and a couple donuts while she’s at it.

  4. Skanky Ann’s odd pronouncements exist only to feed her delusions of relevance. The thought processes behind them are the functional equivalent of a neglected puppy deciding to shit on the rug just to get a little attention.

    Agreed that she looks even more like shit than usual. My theory is that she experienced a brief period of lucidity during which she was fully aware of all of the ridiculous crap she’s spewed over the years. She looks like she’s well into the airplane glue, seconal & crack bender that ensued, but that’s still no excuse for staring at her Adam’s apple. Watching her descend into complete and utter madness would be the perfect exclamation point for the end of the BushCo years.

  5. on a recent episode of the boondocks they nailed ann coulter perfectly,she is a talking head and the more airtime she gets by saying this crazy shit the more books she sells,to who buys these books? I have no fucking idea…

  6. …gotta agree w/ ya about coulter, john…watching her mental destabilization on the national media stage would be like slowing down on the freeway to view the accident of the idiot who was racing & swerving through traffic…

    …do we need to do it ???…no…

    …will our curiosity get the best of us ???…yes…

    …do we think they deserve it ???…yes…

  7. This has been getting ugly it seems. I wish we could just stay
    on track with the right way. * wrong is almost gone *

  8. BGW… as always…LOL. John, thanks for putting it better than I could. I might even stop to take a piss on the smoking wreckage.

  9. …thanks, sorelegs, but you shouldn’t encourage me…or this shit happens…

    …”Dear Ann, thank you for your kind note & offer to stump for me in the general election. I feel, however, that just trying to keep my husband Bill in check while I steer this ship is all the ‘crazy’ I can handle. ‘Loving hubby’ keeps falling asleep at important events, which is already undermining my efforts. I’m concerned your need for self gratification through the national media, combined with my concern for what Bill might say or do would beach this ship of fools.
    Bill also recently expressed a penchant for overbearing, blonde, toothy, emaciated chick’s whose style hasn’t evolved since the 60’s folksinger look, so I’m concerned with your timely motives, you self-centered media slut.
    I will, however, consider your idea of utilizing you as my vice-president, so this country could, as you suggest for a campaign slogan, ‘be run by two bitches with balls’.
    Don’t call me, I’ll have my people call you.

    P.S.–How did you get my cell number, anyway? Bill or that joker McCain?…
    P.P.S.–Remember, I’m the one that wears the pants, in this family.–hc

  10. You know…

    My cat once looked like Ann Coulter. One day, my cat could no longer hold her head up because of all the toxins in her blood interfering with her nervous system. I took her to the vet and he told me she had 100% kidney failure and weeks to live, maybe a couple months tops. After a week’s stay at the vet, and another month’s worth of IV fluids and and potassium shots I had to give her, and $1000 to Mr. Vet, she came back to being a relatively healthy 14 year old cat, and three years later is still going strong. One kidney is still 100% toast, but the other is still working at 30% functionality. Good enough to keep her going on special kitty food.

    Point is, my cat brings more positive things and joy to this world than Ann Coulter, and is actually worth spending $1000 on to keep alive.

  11. You know…

    My cat once looked like Ann Coulter. One day, my cat could no longer hold her head up because of all the toxins in her blood interfering with her nervous system. I took her to the vet and he told me she had 100% kidney failure and weeks to live, maybe a couple months tops. After a week’s stay at the vet, and another month’s worth of IV fluids and and potassium shots I had to give her, and $1000 to Mr. Vet, she came back to being a relatively healthy 14 year old cat, and three years later is still going strong. One kidney is still 100% toast, but the other is still working at 30% functionality. Good enough to keep her going on special kitty food.

    Point is, my cat brings more positive things and joy to this world than Ann Coulter, and is actually worth spending $1000 on to keep alive.

    I sooooo wanna do Ann anally, and not call her the next day.

  12. “I sooooo wanna do Ann anally, and not call her the next day.

    I was thinking skullally. Those sunken eye sockets really get me going.

  13. Phew!
    I’m glad I’m not the only one who’d like wreck Ann Coulter’s ass, steal money outta’ her purse, and make my getaway out the bedroom window, never to be heard from again.

  14. Didn’t you guys hear about the Ocular Penetration Act of 2007?? It passed, making it illegal to gouge out Ann’s eyes and skullfuck her brains out her ears…

  15. …BGW… Yeah!!! That was like another episode of “clinton something” semi regular feature on Harry Shearer’s podcast Le Show. You might like it…

    Either way thanks for the belly laugh! Rock On!