This ought to be interesting.
Super Duper Tuesday (also variously called Giga Tuesday, Tsunami Tuesday, and The Tuesday of Destiny) is the date in February on which the largest number of multi-state primary elections are scheduled to be held during the U.S. presidential election cycle.
…The large number of states holding early elections could compress the nomination campaign season down to just a few weeks long. As a comparison, in the 2000 election cycle, by early February only about 2% of nominating convention delegates had been selected. However 2008 will see over 40% of the delegates chosen by early February.
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I didn’t think you were allowed to say the word “Duper” past the age of 12 or so.
No, no. Past the age of 12, you cannot say “diaper.”
Diaper is the bad word now ??
I’ll remember that. Until I’m 64 or so.
…please, us old folks like to “pamper” ourselves….