gay sex-a-thon

From: Dan
Hola Big Jonny,
I was wondering if you would aid me in my quest to embarrass the hell out of some of the guys I work with at my bike shop. Last X-mas they presented me (as their boss) with a calendar featuring them scantily clad in various situations. It was a laugh riot and I was sure that there was no way they could outdo themselves this year.

Well, leave it to them to prove me wrong. This year’s staff gift was a music video written, produced, shot, and mixed all by them. And its theme was gay sex.

You can view it for yourself at:

Please help me spread the word (however wrong and depraved it might be).

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

13 Replies to “gay sex-a-thon”

  1. …i was hesitant to click on that link, but that is straight up fucking hilarious…absolutely awesome…

    …jesus, dan, you got some funny ass dudes working for you & they must think yer a great boss to go to that kinda effort…

    …the only way to pay ’em back ???…no reach around when the time comes…

  2. That is funny shit. ATA BOYS ALL AROUND. The kid with the milk is over the top. I would worry about that one. You would think the guy in the fishnet underwear would have the decency to stuff a sock in them or something. He is making his father look bad.

    Good luck with this crew. Keep them away from the Clement Cement.

  3. this is NOT me. just to keep things clear. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was, but unfortunately it ain’t.

  4. I watched the video and realized that some of the guys in it look familiar. It was confirmed in the comments on Youtube: That’s Sunflower bike shop in Lawrence, KS.

  5. Those guys had waaay to much fun makin’ that vid. I am worried about them. Better ask ’em if they are trying to tell you something. We can let cry’s for help go unheeded.

  6. How exactly did you earn the name “carbon fiber player” anyway?

    Is this in reference to some ultra light play toy or something?

  7. James is 100% right those fools work at Sunflower and a bunch of them used to work at Pathfinder in Manhattan, KS. This is an excellent example of what happens to cyclists in Kansas where all there is to do is ride and drink PBR. There isn’t enough stuff to ride to make you too tired to get really drunk.

  8. Pingback: rickysilk » Blog Archive » Titanium Gangster, Carbon Fiber Player.