From: Vape
Subject: Flying the DC colors
Hey Jonny,
Just wanted to let you know that we be keepin the faith over here in
Indiana. This is from the Hilly Hundred back in October:
Good looking out. Indiana also appears to be the land of giant s’mores. And this kid ain’t scared.
Never done that event. But, I’ve heard from folks that have that it’s a damn good one. More on the Hilly Hundred at
Is that HAM in that smore?!?!?
There IS A GOD!!
Oh my Gawd.
My arteries are clogging up just looking at that thing.
I want one.
ha ha
I’m trying awfully hard not to be the hater, but what is up with those bars, more specifically, the brake lever placement on said bars.
Oh yea…..what is up with those brakes ? You’d break your wrist hitting the brakes.
That and…..single speeds suck.
And before anyone whines. I like gears cause I’m old and decrepit and need them to get over the speed bumps at the local McDonald’s.
Brake levers inspired by too much “Vape”? (if there was such a thing)
How do you get a name like that? I wonder…..
All bar talk aside, he was flyin’ da colors.
fuck me to tears
I want that girl’s number and don’t tell my wife.
what a bunch of multi-tools.