This one in from my mother.
From: Mom
Subject: A good idea
This is a good idea, regardless of political opinion. When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please include the following:A Recovering American soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
Washington,D.C. 20307-5001
And she’s right, it is a damn good idea. You can’t feel anything but the deepest empathy for those folks at Walter Reed.
Send ’em a card this year. It’s the right thing to do.
Update: Seems this isn’t such a good idea after all. Read this.
So, what do you do if you’re a godless heathen? Can you do this for any reason or is this a xmas only kinda thing?
Keep your money, buy a 6-pack and drink them in honor of those dudes I guess.
Support A Recovering American Soldier
Apparently the don’t likey this idea much. Or they are just dissing Jonny’s mom. But hey….don’t we all ?? ;)
Thanks DrunkenBiker, I will amend the post.
Can I just send the money to Big Jonny’s Mom? I already have her address….
That makes me irate. FEAR FEAR FEAR, little men. Fear little men. it’s bunk.
Pre- 9/11, my German friend Caspar used to mail me letters from Germany with a drawing of a cartoon bomb on the front with an alarm clock and sticks of D, and “BRIEFBOMBE” written in big letters all over it.
my Montana mailman thought it was funny.
now i’d be arrested. Or he’d be in Gitmo.
And now we’re protecting soldiers from the people they protect. Oh, the irony.
moms rule. way to shout it out, or say it at least.
…while walter reed army medical center does not allow postage to unnamed servicemen & women, your mom’s heart is certainly in the right place…
…tip a’ the old cycling cap to you, jonny’s mom…
A different, but cool thing you can do is donate your airline miles here: . I received a statement in the mail for miles I forgot I had and put them to good use. So if you’ve got miles piling up or going unused, think about putting them to good use helping families of wounded folks travel to the hospitals to join their loved ones.
I’m with flagstaffist. What the fuck? If this is their policy, don’t tell me where I can send them some fucking money, give me an email address where I can actually thank someone and wish them well. Money doesn’t fix a soul.
The awful truth is this…our government is falling way short of taking care of service men & women. There is a rise in homeless vets and that just doesn’t sound right does it?
You wanna help? It is,unfortunately, way past a holiday greeting and I wish it wasn’t so. Here is one effective group:
You may find a better one to suit your needs. I hope you do.