It seems that the UCI has asked the team, to withdraw Rasmussen from its Tour team
(source: AFP – article: “La direction du Tour embarrassée par l’affaire Rasmussen) & HLN
That’s what they’re claiming. Whether there is much to it, I can’t really say.
They mention the following article as support of the “Rasmussen asked to leave” line, but I can’t read a word of Dutch. Anyone feel like providing some insight? You can read it here:
I did find a crappy free translator online. And I mean crappy.
The manager of the Tour the France, Christian Prudhomme, has let understand that he the exclusion of participation at the Tour of the Dane Michael Rasmussen would have asked as he had conscience, that the present yellow sweater bearers warnings have gotten, because he single times has not passed where he trained. If the Tourdirectie for the start of the Tour in Rewarded on the height had been of the file, “then will we the team Rabobank for its responsibility placed have”, according to Prudhomme.
On the question or he it no regret of has that he Rasmussen the permission has given further part to take at the Tour, answered Christian Pruhomme laconically: “What I more than ever regret, is that we that information had not on 29 June or in the next days, before the start of the Tour.” The UCI will, asked have to steer according to a closed source in the file, before the Tour at Rabobank the racer not to the Tour. “As they that marriage done have, is the good”, reacted Prudhomme. “Only as they the asked have and they have it not obtained, is the awful.”
“I have lake and more trouble trust to have in most drivers of the UCI”, according to the Tourdirecteur, that the International Wielerunie it yesterday implicitly of accused the affair-Rasmussen to use to weaken the Tour the France.
Makes about as much sense as I do after twelve beers.
Not much.
I’m guessing that the Tour would have rather known about the issues with Rasmussen (missing out of comp tests, etc) before the race start, and they would have preferred someone who has been kicked off his own National team not participate in the Tour.
But I’m only guessing.
what game play, read to this like understanding ?
My Dutch is a little rusty but I’ll give it a shot:
“If you’re not gonna pee with the big dogs, stay on the porch.”
Ready for another yellow jersey up in the air?
The article basically says, that if Prudhomme would have known that Rasmussen missed the dopingtests before the start, he would have asked Rabobank to withdraw him for the race. And he feels he can trust the UCI less and less, since he beliefs they are using this to weaken the tour.
I’ll offer this translation:
the tour is well fucked.
“As they that marriage done have, is the good”, reacted Prudhomme. “Only as they the asked have and they have it not obtained, is the awful.”
What the fuck, did someone use Babelfish?? Jesus. Don’t we have any dutch members who can do better? Jesus.
I’ll bet the translation would make sense after 12 beers.