Another one from Zabriskie coming at ya. Click “read more” to view the embedded video from the fine follks at Velonews.
Dave Zabriskie: Stage 6
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
Another one from Zabriskie coming at ya. Click “read more” to view the embedded video from the fine follks at Velonews.
Dave Zabriskie: Stage 6
My Mama says that life is like a box of chocolates……
he’s so dang funnny. i just split my gut when he talks. ah gosh. geez. schucky darns.
what game play
Well you can only watch one of these. what a dip shit
the velonews guy is the dip I mean
Dave Z. reminds me of Glenny Blanco rapper for the Anti Lama. He seems to make pro cycling sound pretty straight forward. I also think he must be originally from the U.P. of Michigan, with his dry delivery.
Here’s the Tom Boonen song:
The “tommeketommeke” part starts a little after 2:00 min.
I just about spilled my gin & tonic after that one.
Thanks for the link, Mike.
Did you know Museeuw has a song too? Complete with big ass syringes.
If it weren’t for random drug testing, you could swear DZ had a toke or two before this! The guys a fuggin’ chuckle!
Tequila tonite….tomorrow we RIDE!!!!!!
Here’s the condensed version – complete with video:
Totally a toker. The man doesn’t exactly wear the yellow jersey when it comes to charisma.