I wrote a post a week or so back about John Smeaton, the 31 year old baggage handler at the Glasgow Airport who opened a can of whoop ass on “flame-o” the terrrorist.
And now I got more. Oh yes I do.
He was enjoying a smoke, when…
Astonished, he watched as a 6ft man stumbled from the wreckage and began to ATTACK police officers.
“I just shouted, ‘Fucking come on then’ and dashed towards him,” said John. “I didn’t think — there was no time. I just acted.”
He said: “I don’t know what’s not getting through to these people. “We already understand that you don’t like us. Killing an airport full of innocent men, women and children is not going to make us understand that any better — nor is it going to change who we are.
“Then I saw other Glaswegians weighing in too. They were all giving him what for. ”
“I hope my actions and the actions of everyone else that day show that Britain will not stand for it.
“And if any more extremists are still wanting to rise up and start trouble, know this: we’ll rise right back up against you.
“New York, Madrid, London, Paisley…we’re all in this together and make no mistake, none of us will hold back from putting the boot in.”
“Instinct just kicked in. I heard myself saying, ‘That’s no right. He’s not hitting that copper — no chance’.
“I ran up there to leather him. I piled in and tried to get a kick in.
“He was swinging at me, shouting Allah this and Allah that, and at that stage I started to get a vague idea of what was going on.
“Then I saw other Glaswegians weighing in too. They were all giving him what for. I think some guy banjoed him on the side of the head.
“The fight was still going on, but I span round and saw the driver, Kafeel Ahmed. He was head to toe in flame. Abdulla was still fighting. I’ve never seen a man fighting with such anger before, not even at kicking-out time in Paisley town centre.
Source: newsoftheworld.co.uk
This man has my permission to marry my daughter. Even though she’s just 17… months old.
Oh yes, there’s more:
Former boxing world champion Jim Watt has backed The Scottish Sun’s campaign for the Glasgow Airport heroes to be officially recognised for their bravery.
“Terrorism takes place all over the world and everyone runs a mile. But only in Glasgow would a suicide bomber get a boot between the legs.”
He added: “John Smeaton made me proud to be Glaswegian.
Source: thesun.co.uk
God damn right.
Don’t miss the spot on tribute page johnsmeaton.com where you can donate to buy the man a pint. They were aiming for a thousand pints across the bar, but it seems they’re now up to 1,400.
God damn right. Again.
Fucking brilliant.
I just may have to change my ‘gettin annoyed’ behaviour model from;
“what would Vinnie Jones do??”
“what would John Smeaton do??”..
and the quote;
“..not even at kicking-out time in Paisley town centre..”
pure magic.
I think from now on my new slogan should be “Fucking come on then”. It says it all right there!
Remember, you too can stop at Paisley on your way to SSWC this year. Pure Dead Brilliant.
Though rumours that Smeato will be attending SSWC are unlikely to be true.
definitely a cat I’d like to sit down and have a beer or three with.
“banjoed him on the side of the head.” will now be forever etched into my lexicon of favorite fight phrases.
Yo, does anyone know what in the hell “banjoed” means?
I’ve no idea…
sitting next to a Scot as I type..I can tell you..You dont want to fuck with any of them…..Banjoed mostlikly was ment to mean “hitting the piss out of him”
They like to fight over here…No Guns..Lottsa fists…..