The guy on the left – Pittsburgh’s boy-Mayor Luke Ravenstahl
The guy on the right – Executive Director of Bike Pittsburgh
The Mayor on our new bike lanes, “The lanes will further encourage biking as a mode of transportation, promoting a healthy lifestyle and environment by encouraging exercise and reducing carbon emissions.” Fuck. Yeah.
When was the last time you rode bikes with the mayor? So what if he showed up in a blacked out SUV, rode for 5 blocks, and got back into his blacked our SUV. He showed up, he said some words, he rode his bike. He pandered to cyclists. But you know what that means? This group of misfits is a political group worth pandering to.
Here in Tempe, AZ, we’ve been having an annual ride with the mayor for as long as I can remember. He sits down and has coffee & pastries with the locals and rides for over an hour with us. Now he’s not the fastest rider out there, but he does have the advantage of police escort through the intersections.
They look like a couple of Mormon Missonaries.
Hey give the guy credit. In Stevens point WI the mayor probably strings wire across the trails, let alone go riding. He plugs a public access with his dump truck for god’s sake. You go Pittsburg Mayor.
The whole time I had Van Halen’s “Runnin’ With the Devil” playing in my head, only with the lyrics, “Ridin’ With the Mayor.”